this is work in progress or homilies or miscellaneous items
that don’t warrant a page by themselves
or seem to fit better here
pending poems index
chronological order is from the bottom to the top of the page
audio files can be complemented by listening to them with the eyes closed
things unfound
do not fit
the mould
of forming
things unformed
do not fit
the mould
of forming
creation myths
try to address
before creation
and fail
so of creation
and after
of necessity
also fail
creation myths
try to address
before creation
and fail
so of creation
and after
of necessity
also must fail
william blake
a search for sense
tangents explored
occasioned on
is this fair to him ?
the most extreme tv show for unintentional existential incongruities and irony has to be "hogan’s heroes"
robert clary (louis lebeau) went though the worst of the holocaust as a camp inmate and along with several other actors lost family
werner klemperer (colonel clink) was german jew, son of the famous conductor otto klemperer and first cousin once removed of the diarist
victor klemperer
bob crane (hogan) had a crazy life and was mysteriously murdered
john banner was austrian jewish (shultz), emigrated to the
US in
1938 after the germans annexed austria, but lost a lot of family in the holocaust
inadvertent metaphysical depth to infantile entertainment
“ the kicker is
I’ve been working out every day the last three weeks and on my rest days,
I do guided meditation ”
that’s not low stress, exercise itself is stressful and should be done in moderation, this applies to both men and women, but especially women who are not metabolically designed for intense workouts
meditation combined with doing a lot of sitting in a day is also problematic if it significantly increases the sitting time
matt has a dilemma, there’s a possibility the twelve cylinder engine of
this bentley has water in the cylinders or some other significant problem, what, if anything should he bid on it ?
my thoughts
when bidding at a used car auction, take the
FOMO (fear of missing out) and bury it, let the offer reflect the risk discount of unknown problems with the vehicles condition and if you "win" it or if another person with a different risk assessment gets it, at the end of the day its his judgment against yours and one of you will be righter than the other, but hopefully he will take a loss you have avoided
actually "risk" is a bit of a dissemble to cover not actually sorting things out to the right level of detail, and ignorance, like for most things makes you vulnerable, however, bentleys like
rolls-royces are, imo significantly
the bottom line with auctions is you are in competition with people who may be paying too much and you have to let that happen and for them to take the consequences
what’s more they have used their "powder" reducing their ability to bid against you on later offerings, of course that works the same way if the mistake is yours
what history shows
is there is no point to anything
strife and striving go together
so much so
their shared emptiness
is no surprise
the gates of absence
empty out on the stars
those pinpricks of futility
so full of themselves
winking obliquely
something else
going on
there’s something existential about this chinese classical style
fyi i think what is portrayed in a not a pure "kalavinka" (human head, bird body) but some sort of synthesis with the bodisattva/goddess of compassion kuan yin, in short, very eclectic
slavs killing slavs, how can there be any winners, just the dead on both sides and a destroyed slav country
gnosticism looks like it could make sense, but ultimately, its just voynich
perhaps more sophisticated than the usual
when the sums don’t add
make sure
they don’t add worse
its a wide world in time and place, you are too wrapped up in ancestry
where i see merit i am interested
that is all
the disease
of overweighting explanation
their lives must be nonsense
is the only explanation
being overweight is not a benign condition, its a life shortening disease promoting cancer and a host of other metabolic problems
this stupid species is in denial about this because "food quality" is complex and needs thinking about and working through
tim spector’s
these women
with overfull lips
from plastic surgery
must have some body image
not being able to perceive
how ghastly it has made them look
its funny what images stick with us, a minute’s thought and it is with us for the rest of our lives
years ago i read a science fiction story, or perhaps it was a comic, a train was going through a snow covered landscape, the situation on the train was desperate for the small number of people on it and giant white wolves/creatures were pacing the train and this just went on and on, the wolves never tiring
i must have felt this was my life
those wolves/creatures, they are there for all of us, i used to wonder why they never tired, now i don’t
julius evola
The legionary spirit is that fire of one who will choose the hardest road, who will fight to the death even when all is already lost ”
yes, there are people who thought like this, or at least, others should be like this
mostly "the hardest road" we always only inadvertently find ourselves on
beauty has many forms
none of which
can be called beauty
Hope you stick around and learn something ! ”
ed. a reddit comment to me
my reply
same lesson again and again, the net is full of intransigent idiots
i can’t give you brains you weren’t born with
"zen" is just repackaged philosophy strung together in a fictional narrative
i can’t give you brains you weren’t born with
one of the fascinating things about being old is the way the past seems richer and simpler, because it was
i went to write something
thinking such and such
but somehow
it came out different
i went to write something
thinking such and such
but it came out
i went to write something
thinking such and such
when is a poem a homily ?
and a homily a poem ?
sense gets blurred into nonsense
the film director’s lament
script writers lack imagination
actors are narcissists
the cameraman half blind
the crew — thieves
the wardrobe over the top
the producer scrooge incarnate
that just leaves
an insufficient god
gangs are in effect territorial militias, if your legislation is pandering to their legality, you are making a rod for your own back
queensland is leading the way in making proactive legislation to defeat this threat to social order
militias are in effect, governments in waiting
putin’s big mistake was to allow the separatists in the donbas in
2014 to hijack the russian agenda and create a festering sore of conflict that poisoned relations with the ukraine as well as taking a significant russian population out of the ukraine hence increasing nationalist influence there
his other big mistake was not to annex belarus so its economy and military could be strengthened and provide a much more material support to russia and increase russia’s protrusion into europe
anybody can see this, the lesson is autocracies with incompetent leaders may give an illusory stability for a while, but egregiously bad decisions lie around the corner making populaces suffer
i’m just viewing things from what would have worked for russia and putin, not condoning it, what they actually did is a blind probing by idiots !
an ex-pope has died
and perhaps the present one is not so far away
this is god on earth
senile mediocrity
just when you think the accelerating expansion of the universe is a settled thing, along comes
new data and a possible reversion to a static universe
the muscle of celibacy is the writing and stories of the celibate zen greats
zen doesn’t make sense unless there is celibacy
historically religion has been notoriously transmissible, bits and pieces of each ending up in others
interestingly, "zen" is to a large extent "repackaged" philosophy
"bodhidharma" can be seen as a metaphor for the transmission of greek philosophy into chinese buddhism from the
greco-bactrian kingdoms ie
"the blue-eyed barbarian"
attention to diet and exercise goes along way in helping with mental illness
not a popular message apparently
and some quality reading (ed. viewing with the addition of some of what is available on youtube) to lift above the usual cultural morass of clichés and stupidity
aerobic exercise is surprisingly helpful for depression
how many stories are there ?
the british are
descended from an emigration of the northern european "bell beakers", themselves a continuation of yamanay/corded ware culture and the usual modus operandi was to kill all males of different ethnic groups which resulted in the destruction of the matriarchal neolithic culture in britain and the success of these patriarchal groups is why western society is
, or at least was patriarchal up to recent times
i think basically it was improved weaponry that changed societies from matriarchal to patriarchal, a man armed with a metal sword became a disproportionate physical threat
interestingly the beaker people are from the steppes, the curious western resonance with the ukraine might have something to do with that old genetic tie shown in how similar they look to us, the russians with a stronger mongol influence look a bit different
i never realised
ronald searle was captured at the fall of singapore, imprisoned in changi prison and then sent to work on the
siam-burma death railway
i did meet
some-one who had been imprisoned in changi and the only comment he made was about the common experience breaking down the barriers between people, i think he may have even included the guards in that
youtube on him
where the surface is troubled, the depths are stirring
medications have side effects, it is not sensible to take a medication and not do some research on what they might be !
anabasis by "dead can dance" with lisa gerard doing the solo
i think this
youtube has better sound quality, but its missing the visual impact of the band performing
judging by the surrounds and clothes, they were certainly not in it for the money, and i think drug use has created a musical ceiling of sorts
nonsense for simpletons
the upanishads are just as much malign nonsense as anything else and as such the nature of explanations must be
the unbelievableness of the petty minds flogging themselves to death on this stuff
the nature of twitter is attention deficit, its never going to be anything except empty craziness
for all its ignorance, sleaziness and mendacity reddit with its longer attention span is much more productive
autocrats, the secret police
the pitiless
in power
you can live within it
but it warps the brain
just when you think you have left no stone unturned, a whole new boulder field comes into view
on "eyetriage" on reddit, there is a constant flow of young men coming through who suffer high and unreasonable anxiety that they have some unusual health problem with their eyes, below is my attempt to explain illness and population dynamics to them
just follow the logic through
if its rare you are unlikely to have it and given you have no symptoms, unlikely goes to almost impossible
if you want to know what "almost impossible" is, take a coin and keep flipping it until you get
6 heads in a row
i find the concept of
plot armour useful in thinking about what happens on the net, its a high plot armour environment, so you can’t really touch them which is why the bullshit can reach such egregious extremes
i find the concept of plot armour useful in thinking about what happens on the net, its a high plot armour environment, so you can’t really touch them which is why bullshit can reach egregious extremes
god is not one
but two, three, four
in infinite regress
this is so little understood
i would not even make a heretic
there’s a lot of very good
19th century painters i like who are not top of the "fame list". they convey something of the era they lived in, often a certain
halycon-ness before the destructiveness of world war
I or, in the case of russia, the revolution
henri gervex
une soirée au pré catelan , quite proustian really
a venetian scene by fritz thaulow circa 1895, i wonder how the water levels compare with today ?
issac levitan’s
last painting and his
most famous
interestingly, levitan was a friend of anton chekhov
you make a series of claims for what zen is and unchallenged i think they constitute a "definition"
that is, one can make any definition of a word one likes but if the sphere of the claim is enlarged to the communicative and social where you have to deal with challenges which ensure some sort of commonality and utility to the definition, does it hold up ?
so the question is, is your definition sufficiently consonant with common perceptions of the meaning of the word so that any communication has sufficient utility to be worthwhile ?
or is it characteristic of much of the content of r|zen being
self-aggrandising nonsense on the edge of schizophrenia utterly untempered by any real life involvement ?
plot amour is a good metaphor for our limited ability to influence each other
ten years
twenty years
thirty years
forty years
fifty years
to see something clearly
and maybe i knew
what i was doing all along
but what of the gain that led to the loss
did that hurt too ?
or did we not see it ?
the universe is
saddle shaped
with or without a boundary
the dots within
have no cognizance
of these matters
i think samuel barber’s
angus dei needs a full choir to really tap into it
a different sort of "who dunnit", tracking down
the provenance of three possible l.s. lowry paintings
i’ve watched a few of these "fake or fortune" programs, they do open your eyes as to how the art world works and the way it sets value
the young look on the old with disgust, not connecting that one day they too will be old and all the youthful beauty gone
“ all sorts of processes at the macroscopic level involve causation ”
i wonder if "causation" is in effect, something emergent ?
“if you do not get enough exposure to light during the day when the sun is out, that ‘delays’ your clock and
pushes back the onset of sleep at night ”
i have always been suspicious of the night owl concept, that in reality it has more to do with exposure to daylight and the time of day such exposure occurs
taoism is monistic, chrisitianity is a blend of monism and metaphysical dualism
i don’t think buddhism or zen are monistic, they don’t categorise easily, in part i think because of their overt philosophical emphasis
"monism" is of course a generalisation, religions at the bottom are not that coherent so you are never going to get a
100% fit
"once upon a time in luoyang"
performed by the chinese national theater principal dancer tang shiyi
i like the lyrics pinned at the top of the comments
there is an historical princess
anle , not the romantic figure pictured in the dance, but a young woman deeply enmeshed in the usual turmoil and murderous greed of chinese power politics
death with jewels
is there another way ?
death without jewels
the fundamental problems
no solution
just endlessness
goebbel’s one-time mistress and
soviet spy , marika rökk led a "charmed" life for sure
you can see
the performance is a bit thin and formulaic, no doubt because of the emigration of german jewish and other talent to hollywood
the calm before the storm
Actually, persona plot armor is not a bad
Zen metaphor for getting stuck ”
i think this is why some meditation is important, it teaches the skill of seeing the plot armour
i am blocked by at least three people (ed. on r|zen) because they can’t converse with me and not start to have some "plot armour" exposed to their seeing and it freaks them out
the action of "seeing" itself, somewhat unsticks
they can talk until the cows come home, but in the absence of this personal/phenomenological work, they are wasting their time
sometimes you see too much
and wonder if only seeing a little
would make for more content
life does not work that way
i was talking to a brick wall and was surprised when the brick wall spoke back, admitting and not admitting its nature
resting in the arms of "profound meaning"
it has a bite
they ignore
the self consumption
buddhism, two and a half thousand years of nonsense by the not too bright
1300 years of social control by the murderous varying to the humane
christianity, two thousand years of confusion by the confused
ed. my comment on islam may not be understood, but the islamic empires at their height were a real achievement in personal safety, internal lawfulness especially travel, and its succorance of intellectual life and aesthetic public works
i feel modern islam has got divorced from its history as a mechanism of social control for empires and today is an narrow reinvention made in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century looking much more like a conventional religion
You are being uselessly repetitive ”
what is right
, i’m going to repeat in the face of what is wrong !
things exist in different ways
you just can’t get past it
"that without constancy" is quite different from "impermanent" and from a philosophical point of view more correct because you have categories of "constancy" eg the platonic whereas "impermanence" implies constant changefulness without context
why be a pompous ass ? you people preach on and on, knowing nothing and never pick up your mistakes, and can’t be told
what was unusual about the mongol invasions was the extent to which they massacred their about to be subjects, the usual course of military success is to have the subject populations keep intact and subservient as giving you the maximum benefit
if you watch any of these videos like the youtube channel 1420, its hilarious with its usual story of those who can’t be drafted in favour of others being drafted, the level of personal hypocrisy is egregious
huh, there is
a solution to the "mystery of the mary celeste"
“ long-term consumption of
allura red food dye can be a potential trigger of inflammatory bowel diseases (
IBDs), crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis ”
the new zealand government (food standards australia new zealand ?) has
a different view
“ research has shown that synthetic colours are safe to consume. they don’t cause adverse effects even when consumed in large amounts
colours such as tartrazine have sometimes been linked to adverse reactions like asthma, rashes, and headaches. but these cases are rare. they usually occur only in people who have other allergies ”
humans originally had two heads and four arms and legs, so zeus, fearing the strength of this, divided them into two so they would be always searching for each other and he hasn’t looked back since
what is not generally understood is the eye ages worse than any other organ, even more than the heart and brain
without memory how can you even ask the question of having any concept of yourself or its absence ?
time is the flower
"zen masters", like "saints" are a fictitious construct in a narrative
what more can i say ?
"zen masters" are a fictitious construct in a narrative
what more can i say ?
one has to be careful on the net that any time you put in gets used effectively, like you might look more challengingly at the way and what you express, but of course you don't
You seem to see a lot of red flags.
I wonder why ? ”
deflection, declamation, argumentum ad hominem, skipping salient points, hubris beyond belief, semantic pragmatic insufficiency,
self-esteem chasing
thought i’d make a list that actually requires quite a bit of phenomenological work to move past
your problem is you can’t extricate the narrative from the philosophical !
the most useful part of zen you ignore, which is phenomenological inquiry while buying into the whole fiction of zen masters
when they can’t distinguish a narrative from reality
trouble !
accidently picking up a sewing kit
purloined from a hotel
when people get defensive and slip into argumentum ad hominem
you know
they are in denial
like skaters on ice
they glide over the points you make
the echo chamber of the net
many find
not echoey enough
magical thinking is a super big red flag
because you asked
ed. a r|zen
OP asking about the meaning of some passages in dahui’s "treasury eye of the true teaching #
19" supposedly quoting shishuang chuyuan (
Boundless emotionally afflicted intellectual interpretations are all purified.
This is the pure reality body ”
ie being objective
If you reach this state, then you can emerge in one place and disappear in another, discard one embodiment and take on another.
Free at will in all ways in hell or heaven, this world or another, floating and sinking, shedding light in response to people, setting down teachings according to potentials ”
ie adapting to situations and people
all this stuff can be put simply in english, but you know, obfuscated nonsense seems more attractive to the usual benighted
i can write this, but it won't make any difference, the vectors of the human mind won’t be shifted off their cultural, evolutionary and energetic rails
i am god
a claim
which if you insist on
will get you sectioned
i’m not sectioned
a succession of senile popes, what do you expect ? who does their incapacity suit ? the looters ?
is and isn’t
also means
is and isn’t
which is and isn’t
old roads
worn with our travelling
attractive to slough into
but not necessarily the right way to go
i must type a lot because i am always wearing away the letters on my keyboard, nail polish in
block-like letters painted over the old seems to work well and greatly extends the life of the keyboard, lol half my letters are in pink !
R is best in lower case, otherwise upper case seems ok
all my life i have had problems with people not liking what i say and i have wondered why as its often simply a rational view !
well there is a reason, interestingly we never take in the whole world, but rather only variances from what we expect since they need to be dealt with as there may be unanticipated consequences, this is a huge saving on cognitive processing, but it also means that these variances go straight to the center of our attention and what fits doesn’t
so there am i constantly not fitting and therefore going to the center of other people’s attention as "unwelcome news"
the problem is the extent to which i look at things rationally and update any "theories of mind" i have to fit better the facts, this is not normal for human adults, though of course children are still forming views of how the world works, with adults these views are frozen and people get hugely traumatised with convincing evidence those views have errors because of the neurological impossibility of changing them
human history is a graveyard of adult preferences to fight and kill to preserve untouched the views of the world imbibed as a child, you can see it in russia at the moment, the world has changed, yet attitudes in russia are still stuck back with the romanovs and territorial expansionism
in my view, this is also an all encompassing explanation of mental illness which in the terms i have discussed is simply a total inability to accommodate the "variances" and having socially malformed "theories of mind" that brings constant conflict in any dealings, so since this happens to a degree to all of us, you can see its not black and white at all and the craziness of the world is not so unexpected
there is only one explanation for all the very different languages across the globe
a deeply conserved, evolutionarily designed facility in the brain laid out in the genes
“ what is your passion ? ”
fighting on reddit
“ hmmmm ”
what is everything ?
everything is fuss
and noise and bustle
life’s preoccupations that prevent us
knowledge is a way of looking at things and as such is a projection, culturally you see it all the time, but its just as applicable to science as paradigms change, what was previously thought of as immutable turns out to be mutable
“ the buddha ”
a dream lapped up
by the mentally
the most damming indictment of human asininity is the way
half-arsed nonsense gets religiously carried down for
2000 years and so much of the real mc
Coy is lost forever
how fake can you get, maria (ed. zakharova), i know work is hard to come by for a
PHD in history, but surely there are limits to how far you are prepared
to debase yourself ?
a poem by vladimir vysotsky that you surely won’t be reading
they don’t put up crosses on communal graves
and widows don’t come to shed tears
but flowers are laid and eternal flames
will never be quenched, it appears
interestingly, vladimir, for some
of his work wasn’t writing from direct experience
there’s no prizes for being stupid
well maybe there are
its life’s most common commodity
god said "i am not"
“and god said unto moses, i am that i am : and he said, thus shalt thou say unto the children of israel, "i am" hath sent me unto you”
and also sent the holocaust apparently "which was"
amazing how a few words have sent so many to their deaths
how experience and culture curates us
an unwritten book
just as the body is
so the brain will be
jerusalem, historically and today, has been and is notorious for theft, scams and in previous times, bloody violence
on first glance there seems to be a contradiction between so many "holy places" and the general larceny that occurs
but on second thoughts, the "holy places" are revealed as infinitely more sophisticated in their scams and robbery than the relative amateurs who ply their trade in the streets
right path
wrong path
he judges ahead
how can i tell him
“ picking and choosing ”
is wrong ?
well i got a reply "
Not the way"
my reply
he picks and chooses
the way
not the way
spinning between choices
is lost
astride madness and sanity
favoured by neither
yet imbued
with the power
of foretelling
astride sanity and madness
favoured by neither
yet imbued
with the power
of foretelling
mass graves
memory stopped at a certain point
and the dirt took over
The only two categories are those who see and those who don’t ”
ed. those who are enlightened or holy and those who aren’t
see what ?
fictional landscapes ?
stand on the boundary of the fictional and real
then you will see
2’s translation of rujing’s sermon at jingci
additionally, he brought up this record
the monks asked the ancient worthy : what is buddha ?
in response, the ancient worthy replied : the great assembly arrives within the palace
still, did you know ?
the great ocean is boundless
mt. sumeru towers
now, the dharma i expound is beyond thoughts and beyond words
open-hearted obeisance is the most peculiar thing of all
my observation
tiantong rujing
a genuine sage
one amongst millions
the clarity of understanding
that comes with experience
neither monotheist
or polytheist
yet both
he hits the mark
being young
a bubble of
and a natural stupidity that arises from inexperience
the key lesson napoleon took from the
battle of zunta (which if had been lost would completely have changed european history making it much more ottoman) was that you should force a split or wait until the enemy forces are split themselves for whatever reason and cannot help each other and then attack their reduced forces
basically the battle was won by the superior tactical skills of
prince eugene of savoy
interestingly, this is why the duke of wellington said the result of the battle of waterloo was a close call since it was the arrival of von blücher’s army that changed the battle in the seventh coalition’s favour and was napoleon’s greatest fear
from this you can see that putin’s strategy in the ukraine was fundamentally flawed, he cannot stop the resupply of the ukraine through poland, and belarus, while a client state of russia refuses to join the war, putin years ago needed to have annexed belarus so its army operated under russian command and this would have made the russian attack more fully on two fronts which would have put the ukraine is a very difficult situation despite russia being a generation behind in its weaponry
lukashenko has a reputation for being wily as a fox and
NATO has a lot to thank him for
instead, russia is having to deal with the ukraine on a single front and cannot stop resupply through poland
being attacked on two or more fronts being a certain signal of eventual defeat is a lesson that germany only seems to have learnt after two world wars
russia’s recent escalation of drone attacks on ukrainian infrastructure can be looked at as the successful opening up of a new front against the urkaine, interestingly the drones had to come from a country outside russia’s own military infrastructure which says a lot about the state of russian weaponry
this is one of the problems of russia going on nuclear alert, the "governance" of the top echelons of command over the lower are so poor that an unintended initiation of a first strike attempt by russia would be on the cards which was why, even at the height of the cuban missile crisis russia never went on the alert level for its missiles, but had them all stood down
this is one of the hard facts about
MAD, bluffs have to be called and so the risk of a weapons exchange happening is not zero, but the prize is a nuclear peace, so preferable to our human history of constant warfare
the reality of lamborghinis,
under-designed, under-built, way way overpriced, a sham of faux and a testimony to human stupidity and gullibility
receive the body of christ
russian orthodox
a what looks like an abandoned
(pre-revolution) church
as seen from the
trans-siberian railway in eastern siberia
some good scenery in the video but you have to browse
artificial sweeteners are really suss imo, i used some "equal" to feed some ants fifteen years ago and they have
never come back
causes anxiety in mice for two generations
its quite possible fyodor dostoyevsky married his first wife
interestingly he was the sickly one, but she died first
when you read about his life your realize russia was a militarized society back then, the recent events are a return to form
like holiness
is an illusion
once source looked for
turns out to be many
people are fractured and uneven
that is the truth
alan guth
explains how infinitely ascending numbers of universes are created as part of cosmic "inflation"
its actually quite important because it solves the problem of having enough universes that the anthropic principle can come into play, ordinary infinities are too small
so you have mechanisms in physics that explain our existence, the other half of the problem, "why is there something rather than nothing" is a category error or voynich but not entirely without a bit of sense that drives at the core of the problem which is nothing always has a context
so the problem/answer is not why is there something rather than nothing, but within the somethings there is a mysterious inclusive condition that transcends "agency", it is and isn’t an agent which is extraordinary and as agents
, we can’t get our heads around it
digital culture
two verses by foyan translated by surupamaerl
body in the sky, body in a dream
do not seek your life in chimera
a pitiable vein of water, before the face of the cliff
drifting into our world, from past to now
self-knowledge is a dream, of flowers in the sky
thoughts below the surface, for twenty nine years, not
the place where we once walked; sweet smelling grass, sunset
who would have thought the red lotus followed every step ?
my reply
the red lotus
inversion of the white
who is to say what is what
purity and sexuality are false dreams
we are chimeras that emerge
astounded at the joining of parts
our future
looks back at us
our present
if only
it wasn’t so bloody well informed
the brain does funny things as it closes down and wakes up from sleep
in the sleep state we literally become a different person, all a bit weird if you think about it
the world’s woes
your woes
work on your own first
the world’s woes
my woes
work on your own first
if you’re worrying about rules, you are not going to write well
content should fuse with its expression
if you question conventional assumptions about "reality" and explore and develop a more sophisticated understanding of how it works the world turns out to be not particularly sane nor humans "nice"
if you look at the ftx
company structure chart, its quite apparent it was a sophisticated ponzi scheme with a few key players and probably heavy staff involvement and could have lasted a lot longer if not for some bad trades and the collapse of the crypto bubble from the federal reserve bank putting the liquidity brakes on
its not easy to make
$10 billion disappear, but a significant potion has to ended up with the key players and
bankman-fried is acting as the public scapegoat, no doubt by arrangement with the other shareholders
because he spent so much money on the media (his true talent was as a promoter) you can see them playing into his game presenting himself as a naïve innocent
its through the net and youtube you get a truer picture of the situation
his parents are very interesting, both standford professors, his mother a leftist law reform advocate who wrote a paper denying personal responsibility for crimes and his father is an expert on tax shelters
all the books
different universes upon
different universes
anybody who can claim clarity in this
is dreaming
they meditate for a reason
to find
life is just
one dream
“ what do you think ? ”
i don’t know what i think
“ how can you not know what you think ? ”
how can i know what i think ?
“ what do you mean ? how is that ? ”
how isn’t that ?
how is knowing not thinking ?
if you don’t find an answer and you have never found an answer and all you can do is reformulate the question, what is that telling you ?
a religion is obliged to take some
half-truths or untruths as true or it becomes meaningless
don’t be fooled
it will fight and destroy to preserve its errors
rujing i prefer to dogen as more direct and honest, there’s a vein of dishonesty that runs through dogen that is a little difficult to stomach which he probably felt was necessary to build a religion
i quite like
this drawing of what a greenland ecoscene two million years ago looked like
the article
explaining how they were able to figure it out with recovered
the gatekeepers
studiously enforce
their poor judgement
have a better understanding than monks
a bitter pill
to swallow
putin is suffering a form of subtle dementia or late onset schizophrenia and the russian federation has no mechanism for his replacement
its really like science fiction, the appearance of democracy ie some matrix like simulation decoying the population from the fact of autocracy
even the usual mutineers aiming to replace the autocrat with another autocrat are decoyed
putin is very like stalin, in fact there’s been no leader so like stalin and i guess his fate will be the same
one day it will be announced that putin has died from a health condition but in fact executed like stalin and after a bit of infighting a new autocrat will emerge
there are some words that carry too much freight for sanity
zen, god, love, hate
bit of an odd bunch actually
"one cause of everything"
demystifies the world
what demystifies
the one cause of everything ?
the anthropic principle takes care of any questions of probability, an existing, time stable universe that can support life doesn’t have to be probable, it can be an extreme of improbable, the only requirement is that of it being observed by life that has risen in it
i think personally it is at an extreme of improbable since this universe, while apparently stable to us may not be so stable at all and there are other hints
the "improbable"
mass constant of the higgs boson should also be looked at in this light
50 cents on the deep meaning of probability is it is a reflection of imperfect knowledge and the relativity of points of view, the incarnation of which in physics, is of course, quantum theory
i guess you could say that knowledge horizons are always a function of the beholder
to me, the resistance to the anthropic principle is strange, its like evolution, a simple idea that explains a lot, apparently too simple for some
people think they are right
and remove evidence they are wrong
is that right
wrong ?
People can change.
If they remove wrong content, is that bad ? ”
i take you mean their own "wrong" content ?
lol, i used to do that, but now i don’t make any mistakes so "problem solved"
actually i still remove posts where i have large areas of uncertainty and i don’t want to engage in a long debate, or i’m certain but can’t be bothered with the stir my (usually) dissonant views cause
however i am open to the uncertainty of being wrong, in writing the poem i was thinking more of trying to alter the world to fit the facts
downvotes mean :
they were compelled to read you
they were too scared to actually reply
one’s proper assessment of downvotes is
counter-intuitive, its an absolute value, just the same as an upvote, don’t be intimidated by the bottomless pit of idle, low reading age idiots on the web
i find that they often simply don’t understand what was written and get traumatised by this
“ you should go with whatever the ophthamologist recommends ”
i don’t think you can proxy everything onto another like that, people are uneven, they have good days, bad days and imperfect knowledge
What should a patient do instead ? ”
well, its the problem of "
drink deep or taste not the pierian spring", with the net there is the possibility of reading a lot of top quality research and getting the opinions of other with experience from various forums, but the professional you are dealing with has had a lot of practical experience that may be missing in the information you have picked up from your own investigations
there’s no final answer because getting something right is only shown by the eventual results
i know in my own case some of my own suggestions for the final refraction, the surgeon ignored, but the one instance where i insisted on an under correction of the cylinder to allow for a rule shift he did agree with and the final result now
8 months later is -.
25 all around which is as perfect a result as you can get
Respectfully, that’s not how this works, we don’t get to practice medicine retrospectively.
For a doctor, there has to be a 'final answer' beforehand ”
its not saying medicine is practiced retrospectively, but really that future outcomes are to varying degrees "uncertain" ie at some point things becomes probabilistic because of uncertainty of knowledge
105 from james green’s translation of, and titled "the recorded sayings of zen master joshu"
a monk asked : "the true way is without difficulty, just refrain from picking and choosing". to talk about it even a little is "picking and choosing"
how, then, do you instruct people ?
the master replied : why do you not finish quoting the words of the ancient ?
the monk responded : i only can say until that point
the master replied : only that "the true way is without difficulty, just refrain from picking and choosing [is my instruction] "
my comment
the monk is taking an "ontological position" and joshu both validates and invalidates it
people do not understand this truth
its the brick wall at which everything stops though philosophy delineates the bricks, ultimately its not helpful, though not without a certain validity
spiralling in
meets spiralling out
understood ?
in silence
and solitude
the brain unfolds
the art is to see what is revealed
and not to impose
one’s own ideas
form sits on infinity
the common view
what does infinity sit on ?
infinity sits on itself
the real meaning of life
the golden ball holds itself up in the air
why is this so ?
it just is
portrait photo of a woman living in
1870’s japan
i thought the world was all that lay before me
then i turned around and could see that it was all that was behind me as well
talking worlds
so normal for us
phenomenology is inquiry based, there are no limits to that enquiry as per the claim it is purely intellectual and on the other hand the claim for some special validity of zen having a physical embodied practice is nonsense
if you think about it, what zen is supposedly about must necessarily be universal and therefore will also be there in other religions and lines of inquiry
blinkers restrict the field of view, its tautological
i think "practice" is a modern western notion, its not there in the old texts !
zen is a sort of philosophical inquiry that today we would call
however very few do this and so what is perceived as "zen" is just some endless bog of people who never got on the right path to start with
president xi jinping has completely changed the game for russia by saying in effect that if russia uses the nuclear bomb on the ukraine, it may move on some of their disputed boundary
larry david’s ftx commercial is the most
prophetic i have ever seen , he’s a clever man, the ad could have been written the way it was so he never directly endorses the product, in fact he disclaims it
it all looks very expensive, must have cost
FTX a bomb, very effective marketing, of course behind the scenes was a malfunctioning/ fraudulent company
its happened
newspaper journalists can’t resist their inner cringiness
and are now promoting
their erstwhile archenemies
the "influencers"
tiantong rujing at jingci : summertime session translated by surupamaerl
in a summertime sermon, rujing said
the end of the summer retreat has passed us by, yet, the dismissal is still yet to come —
in amongst the seeds of the first statement
the blooming lotus reflects in the water —
for what reason do the grasses settle ?
to stop crying, really, is only for the babies
my reply
the dismissal comes
slowly or quickly as it may
the beauty of flowers doesn’t come with us
there is cause to weep
caught within the narration
believing it
yet disbelieving it
is so freeing
churn churn
the churn of old ideas
smothering new ones
you can argue as to responsibility for the background to the
russo-ukraine war, but its all water under the bridge, russia is now too exposed to potential chinese aggression and other border issues because of
over-investment in the ukraine war, putin must be demented to have got into this situation, that’s the trouble with autocracy, things are only as good as sanity at the top
it took me a full man month to research the question of sir henry neville writing the works of shakespeare, without putting in that sort of time you are not going to come to the conclusions i did, there’s so much material to go through
however there is a broad consensus that shakespeare never wrote the plays, he was likely writing illiterate and in fact an underworld figure so basically you are looking at about three possible authors and neville is the best fit by a long way
the fundamental problem with shakespeare as an author is he is writing convincingly of worlds totally outside his experience and sir henry neville is writing of worlds within his experience with matching details in the plays
further, the tempest could only be written by a man born once every several hundred years it is so unusual and the man that matches is not shakespeare but neville
just keep an open mind and start a bit of research, investigating his life totally opened up his works to me
so twitter, trying to fill an absence of literary skills with aggressive bluster !
reading twitter does something bad to the brain
too aggressive
too hostile
too insane
too stupid
to think this is part of the world that exists is depressing
everyone else’s nonsense
your own nonsense
what remains
is nonsense
reading sir henry neville’s life is the biggest "breakthrough" on understanding shakespeare
everything slots into place
religion is not evolution
it schisms
not develops
everyone gives you their own nonsense
which remains
So provide an answer then ? ”
you need to "unpack" then rebuild more coherently
you really have to question everything whereas people just accept what is given without question
evidence is not in some sutra or scripture, but what you have worked out and that’s actually what makes zen a bit different from buddhism
"tiantong rujing arrived at dangu" translated by surupamaerl
a single, unseeing eye on the forehead
great people have great sight
tip over the sky in an earthen jar
great wisdom has great potential
take up the great and enter the small
and countless transformations are carried out, throughout
it is also said, "what use is it to make verification ?"
the warbler that moves tree to tree tunes a new tongue
the plum that emits a delicate scent grows out of the same old branch
my replies
eyes see
they must
its their nature
and there is nothing
that cannot be seen
that is the use
of verification
eyes on the forehead
thought carries you far
when the sky inverts
wisdom floods out
gather a little
and you are free
to move
when the narrative dominates
you can’t argue with them
they pull the blinds down
over their thoughts
when memory goes
our going
not even a wave
its not enough just to live
you need beauty as well
disney’s animated childrens’s film "strange world" (ed. november
2022) is devoid of something, lacks energy, like it is too fragmented and has just been sort of put together and never fuses
on the positive side its the leader in its class for film memes, plagiarism and cinematic clichés
lol, so sue me, disney, you obviously have problems with your creative management !
i’d look at "me" time as decompression, a walk or whatever, i’d be careful that you actually got that and not say reading what i call "low quality" or watching a soap etc
also i’d be careful with sitting meditation, research is consistently showing that the amount of time we sit today in a lot of occupations creates health problems
buddhism is a celibate religion and not family friendly if you look at the original stories so don’t get too tangled up in trying to bridge the gap
i think the thing the execution of the tsar’s family showed was the bolsheviks had no limits with what they would do to maintain power and that’s how it turned out to be
in contrast the revolutionaries spared louis the
XVI’s children, so there was a limit, though bloody
zen has always been very much part of japanese politics and what we call zen today is a "politically expedient" construct formed in the meiji era to promote extreme japanese nationalism (hence the "zen at war" problems) and reduce the influence of zen buddhism on the public by forcing priests to marry
“ the emptiness of emptiness ”
nagarjuna’s criticism of the view that "everything is mind"
well put by carlo rovelli
there’s a lot of faux buddhism out there which is just rehashed western cultural memes that have been around many centuries
beats talent
i was looking at this carlo rovelli
“ reality is not things, but connections ”
and thinking it sounded very buddhist/nagarjuna
and lo and behold
the penny dropped
ten thousand times
do you think i will get it on the ten thousandth time ?
one would hope so
i am convicted
or exonerated
from what ?
time shows
the jury
died with me
writing should never be a degree course, good writing requires some brain abnormality that is inimical to communal learning
bitcoin hasn’t collapsed, its still over double its
2020 value !
the real problem is today’s chips and networks are not up to handling the computational burden for its use as a currency, that might be ten or fifteen years away, weird as it seems, its something ahead of its time
woven threads
an impossible task
the answer is already there
when it occurs
dusk in autumn
a certain melancholy
what is gone is gone
there is nothing worse than dealing with a group of people
that know that they are right
and you are wrong
that wise man
wiser than all who followed him
how weird !
the snark
no phantom of delight
our opposite sum
cannot equal
our annihilation
abstract ideas
and the real
and concrete
and imaginary
all exist
so what ?
nothing itself
is its own failure
into some-things
no-thing is nothing
to other things
amongst which
are all things
you can call it god
the absolute
or nothing
there is no real mystery
except our constitutional blindness
there’s always a treachery and natural insolence with journalists
they are like sheep with the jaws of wolves
the problem with tsar nicholas the second was you couldn’t find a person less competent to lead russia and there was no system for getting rid of him
the same with putin, no person less competent to run russian foreign policy with his mid twentieth century
KGB ideas and no system to get rid of him
russia seems to bounce through extremes and its break up is not in the interests of the west
when the days bleed into night
and the night reciprocates
that is understanding
strained couples
in your face
fake smiles
the advertising
inane babble
by the inane babbler
of it
blind to be so insensitive to such a shameful
public display
religion is
anti-literary and
anti-artistic in the main because they show the stupids up
break your back
break my back
going back
once done
cannot be undone
giovanni croce’s "buccinate in neomenia tuba"
sung by voces
8 in the cathedral of brixen, south tyrol
in context
out of context
text is a con
with medicine, there is no universally safe procedure because there are always morbid conditions that make them "unsafe"
these are often discovered after the event so to speak
however, statistically speaking they are unlikely
what follows is a brief discussion of the zen and buddhist concept of
“ form is emptiness, emptiness is form
emptiness is not separate from form, form is not separate from emptiness
whatever is form is emptiness, whatever is emptiness is form ”
so its a theological position "the identity of relative and absolute" which like most theological positions that doesn’t mean much, a blind alley rather
the basic issue with zen is it doesn’t make sense outside celibacy, you need that level of disinterest in life
today’s married with or without kids is just the usual human paradigm of conflict and
out of the swirling noise of chaos
meaning emerges
chaos’s necessity
and here we are
the beneficiaries
who scatter
it fruitlessly away
a tiantong rujing quote (0130b03) translated by surupamaerl
speaking informally to a congregation member zuqing, rujing said
when this old monk was a youth, i would lie on the back of the bull, blowing on its black salt horns. then, these plum blossoms guided me in, and suddenly, it all turned to a cry, stuck in my throat — i don't know why its like that. in that instant, the horns shattered — breathing stopped, heaven and earth was spacious, open and insubstantial
my mind was forgotten
it was a long time before i returned, my heart having become the great ancestor of this world
alas! these floral cliffs blossom in the sigh of the wind in pines
as for the countless forms that have no cause; this is all my mind’s activity, and yet — this beginning — i had not yet experienced what its functioning is like, so i mounted the bull and returned home
still, i remember how it seemed, so, elder zuqing, you are trying to find some words or instruction on zen, but zen doesnt know in the first place — so i’m writing you to stop you from coming
in essence this is the core of zen, the "enlightenment experience" and what follows
people take the enlightenment experience as the end, but its only the beginning
lacking this experience, people waste their time with scriptures, "practices" and endless failing what is in effect theological philosophy
when the wide world opens
in its wideness
the gift of infinity pours in
the triviality of religion
the internal politics of any religious group are always surprisingly vicious and ruthless
the internal politics of zen and any religious group actually are always surprisingly vicious and ruthless
fugue states of being open a door
nightshift is a killer, the worst is when the hours switch around on a regular basis massively disrupting the circadian rhythm, it literally damages the brain
the point of "shikanatza" is to see the way your brain works
the patterns turn out to be surprisingly simple, but its never ending and never lacks interest because its content is your life and the way you react and behave
general philosophical, theological and literary reading is important as well to give the brain something
to work on
How is a city not nature ? ”
its crawling with the ants called humans
the trap of old age
spavined wheels spinning
when new ones are needed
theories of life fail
because life has too much complexity
to be contained
homilies are guesses at simplicity
and thus tainted
if you want to know what goes on in the head
listen to what comes out of the mouth
i can relate to haruki murakami’s
automatic dwarfs , there’s some unconscious process that creates the writing and in my case delivers it usually complete and actually gabriel garcía márquez, the writer of the "one hundred years of solitude" says this is how he wrote his book, interrupting a holiday trip to start
i don’t know where what is written comes from or even how these sometimes elegant and well worked ideas can be from me given my usual chaotic, failure prone and messy manner of thinking and working
i do think in the end it has to be a gift and you can clearly see it in murakami’s case, there is something extra to his parental literary background, access to a creative forge
the university system is turning out thousands of writers without this, presupposing it is only a matter of training and education, but the result is the world is now awash in meaningless burble from these people and i notice on the web that the notion of reading age almost seems a lost concept with strong negative reactions to anything that stretches the brain a bit
dreamers, they dream
benign unflawed realities
the painstaking building of coherences
is beyond them
russia’s problem is the same as in the afghanistan war, they are a generation behind in their weapons technology compared to what their opponents have and this makes the russian fatalities too high and the russian system of government is incapable of delivering the latest generation of reliably functioning weapons, this also applies to nuclear except
MAD makes confrontation
one of the most unusual features of the current situation is the "stalinist" degree of social control putin has achieved which must be due to modern media technology because basically its without the brute force power stalin and his regime exerted, this also is what has happened in china
the initial scenario of the invasion of the ukraine was only viable if they quickly took the whole country because then
, if successful, they would not face being shut out of most of the international economic community due to reparations being sought, putin actually had the opportunity to get out of his mess when it was obvious after the first days things weren’t going to plan, by withdrawing back to the dontesk and crimea and using his show of willingness to invade to force a better negotiated settlement for the then current situation, but putin failed at the pass
authoritarian regimes depend very much on competence at the top and in this case its not there, whereas lukashenko, now in hindsight shows himself as more competent
well its an ill wind that blows no good and the prime beneficiaries are those countries threatened by chinese expansionism being shown how a modern war is fought and the consequences of a lack of nuclear deterrent
an entirely new form of warfare has emerged, highly complex with a sort of "rules based" structure, nuclear weapons and the ability to deliver in the background, conventional forces with empowered infantry having advanced weapons to even up the balance against tanks, helicopters and aircraft, and the dominance of missiles and their ability to strike crippling blows against infrastructure and enemy positions
there are surprising parallels with the peloponnesian war where the economic "weight" and efficiency of the countries involved determined successful outcomes in a long and grinding campaign of attrition
hopefully such a form of warfare today will be more "muted", but there will be an underlying "fragility" for the foreseeable future with a high vulnerability by all parties to various threats
are models
they cannot be
real world
so often
we are persuaded they are
words about kafka
bowdlerized of tragedy
his ability to create different shaped realties
so compelling
more real than life
yet cannot exist
perspectives shift
sometimes so far
our looking itself
these people who seem totally unable to construct any sort of rebuttal and just drop back to the usual refuge of "the not too bright" which is a generalist personal attack or worse
the truth is they can’t understand what is said to them isn’t it ?
what’s the point of being a
know-all when you know nothing
you just look an idiot
the flaw with the advaita vedanta obsession with consciousness is the vast majority of brain function is unconscious, so by that most significant measure consciousness is only a part of the picture
the paradox of life
is not that, as we are taught
something must be built from nothing
but from all things
some-things must fall
brad warner asks what insight gensha got in the zen story of him hurting his toe on a rock
i'll let you into the secret brad, gensha is just a character in a story and the story is nonsense and you personally are in an echo chamber
you are looking for answers in explanation, but there never was a valid question to start with
rupert spira is on the wrong track as well
from a pragmatic point of view, there is no bottom turtle, its that simple, this is not an explanation but an observation
no buddha, no dogen, no dogen translations, no joshu, no jesus
the fools prattle their empty nonsense forever
sorry to be a bit harsh, but the way you are going is doing you no good at all !
hard times
have to be borne
why ?
because there is
no-one else to bear them
if you have ever wondered how islamic geometric motifs
were designed
atarashii gakko doing the
chopping dance
alma deutscher
transits to orchestral
the music comes from the beginning of
the magic bomb , a
2021 track by vietnamese musician/producer hoàng read
entirely a false problem
others don’t worry
and neither should you
entirely a false problem
others don’t worry
and neither should i
so peripheral to our existence
yet we are inadvertently
steered by
when the gates open and the dead pour forth
this world doesn’t exist
fragments coalesce
to make a world
when the gates open and the dead pour forth
this world doesn’t exist
fragments coalesce
to make a gate
not knowing
and knowing
the flux
bemuses us
the arrow of meaning
aimed at the heart
deflected by the shield
of obfuscations
the power of language
cuts both ways
the arrow of meaning
aimed at the heart
deflected by the shield
of obscurations
the power of language
cuts both ways
the impenetrable
the indecipherable
paraded as
by those who hold the key
the frauds !
the performing monkey
rattles a chain he cannot see
the audience
insanity has a normative edge
insanity without a normative edge
now that’s real insanity
and so rare
closed minds
closed for a reason
because open
causes breakage
its a skill sadly missing
to get past that
dreamscape , artwork by maurice sendak from the children’s book "mr. rabbit and the lovely present" written by charlotte zolotow
article on the work of maurice sendak
everything spread in all directions
that’s how it is
take our one small track for all
but obviously
its not
"itchy boots" has finally arrived at prudhoe bay, alaska and recaps some of the most
stunning footage of her travels though south america and the andes
that the baskets
were worn to be anonymous indicates to me that joining the order may have been a socially acceptable way for the usual samurai murderers and thieves to lead a reformed or not so reformed life
the rōnins were basically brigands, the wikipedia entry is biased by the usual toxic idiots
i think the trouble with the word "zen" is it is unusually plastic in what it might mean to people since they constantly seem to redefine it to mean whatever theological slant suits them
you can’t get around this, like the word "god" it now has so much baggage its useless
in a more general sense religion is repackaged and inappropriately reified philosophy and "zen" is no exception to this
mermaids , now i think about it, its hard to get any chimera more incongruous to biological reality
well, as it turns out, the title of that painting is “ the daughters of
rán ”
, so they are mermaids of a sort but missing fish parts
it makes a difference to see the subtle interactions amongst the choir members i think
8 singing gregorio allegri’s
miserere mei
translation, especially of historical texts is a guessing game, at best a reasonable approximation to what was said and at worse no relation and most are somewhere between these two extremes
one of the limitations of contacts is they make the eye "microbiome" more
skin-like, this will be an issue for some
buddha looked at his own existence
it was fictitious
he disappeared
so phoney !
no shame at all
these purveyors of nonsense
cherry blossom
why look further
already the other side
ed. i was in town the day before yesterday and was surprised (it now being almost summer) to see the cherry trees in between the bottle store and woolies in full bloom and the ground carpeted with the small pink petals, a wonderful feeling of mystery and seclusion where none was to be expected
when douglas harding is talking about being headless, he’s just talking about our body image which modern brain science bears out, its a constructed image/model, that there’s really nothing there, just constructions and in that sense
, unreal, that what we call reality is not the "bottom turtle" we think it is
so basically rupert spira is a cosmo/panpsychist, very sanskrit !
its still, imo a form of monotheism, there’s a very overt underlying reality pulling the strings so to speak, my own view is more than unpalatable to these people, that there is no answer because there is no meaningful question and you can’t go any further which i think is also dogen’s view, his "roundaboutness" is not
co-incidental, but part of the message
explanation is a continually failing process, of course you may have to do that process and you might as well try to get it as correct as possible, but theologies and schema etc trying to rest in the cradle of fixation are retrograde
brad warner’s vlog has changed a lot, my haters have gone, those wannabe brads trying to take over the vlog have gone, the missionaries of other "teachers" have gone (especially the thich nhat hanhists . . . . )
what has happened ?
maybe after a couple of years it did dawn on them that it is brad’s vlog, and on the worst offenders, that the mirror said they were different
of course thich nhat hanh dying and being cremated like that may have also caused them to enter the trauma of thinking about what they were doing ?
i think they always expected brad to step in and save them and their supposedly orthodox if insane views and its to his great credit he didn’t, though why he would support those toxic intellectual freeloaders is anyone’s guess
what is zen about ?
well i can answer
it is anything you make it
i share dogen’s opinion of huangpo and da hui, they weren’t fully enlightened
huang po comes across as not quite right, it could be pei xiu not understanding what he said or (more likely imo) huang po had further to go and never got there
the problem with r|zen is lacking their own experience they proxy in the usual idiots to stand in for their own lack of understanding
its just a made up story, you might as well look at grimm’s fairy tales/ rumpelstiltskin
there’s something wrong with you when you take soap operas as real occurrences
total fake, even your reddit nick is fake
can’t put up the goods is all there is to you
so fake that even if you are called on it, you are in total denial
basically "what is a platonic object" and how does it differ from other, more real objects ?
you could be years if ever away from understanding what i wrote, i can’t cross that gap for you
the sort of things i think about are across decades and a lifetime to sort out, an endless process terminated by death or senility
a way of looking at the
russo-ukraine war is the absurdity of two russian speaking nations fighting each other, like there are too many russian speakers in the world
they don’t really argue is the problem on net message boards with certain aggressive stupids
what they do is attack the person because they lack the reading age to understand what is said in the first place
they are not at the first step of being able to read and write, that is being able to understand what is being said, just amazing, but true
seriously, ghosts only exist in the imagination,
don’t confuse your life by adding the unnecessary
the eye of infinity twists
endless recursion
don’t look for meaning
because there is none
the eye of infinity twists
then straightens
the recursion unwinds
looking down the aeons
only a fool takes meaning
feeding the homeless
well the homeless turns out to be me
having favourites can be fatal for the "favourite"
dunno why life works that way, but it does
"the existence of a historical buddha was never at center stage for zen"
that is the claim, but its like the new testament without jesus, what is regarded as the foundation of christianity is validated because its supposedly historical, but if its just a bunch of stories by some upper class roman "fanficton" literary types, why should it have more validity than a tv soap ?
same for zen and buddhism
its not all bullshit, but by god there’s an awful lot of it and you have to sort it out
paradoxically what i think western zen has most to offer is some beginning experience of meditation which in terms of philosophy is practical phenomenology
those people who who posture here quoting some supposedly super secretly true text then do long nonsensical comments are literally deranged !
what can you do about it ?
some people sitting meditation sends mentally ill, i’m not joking, its not for everyone
get some exercise and for meditation go for walks by yourself
Do you prepare yourself for potential future conversations when you’re alone ? ”
its a form of thinking ahead and can be valuable, often you see there’s a lot of stuff you don’t want to bring up or do, so can walk around what would bring unnecessary trouble
quality small choirs are hard to beat and throw in edvard grieg and some stupifyingly good rococo church architecture and you have voces
8 singing
ave maris stella
this makes me think about the story of the sixth patriarch in the verse competition, that it was the type of mirror referred to because its an image, its really quite a negative reference, but highly ambiguous as there is also something to it
there is an insanity of age
of ennui
the absurdity of waiting to pass
watching a total eclipse of a full moon
well, not quite total
a fuzzy dark smudge
creeping slowly — then the entire disk extinguished except for a telltale murky orange light
and the release
taking a different form
a reversing
ed. 8th november 2022, i didn’t write this my usual way, but slowly put it together over the several hours of the eclipse, going outside every now and then to see the progress, i didn’t feel intellectually up to writing it, but something came together, maybe the words still not quite a good fit
the malevolent
capturing the stupid
what is the moral point ?
she doesn’t hear criticism
why ?
only she knows
What would you have me do with criticism ? ”
doors that open
to a wider world
the clarity of judgment
over time
i killed a litter of maybe several days old feral kittens last night, six in all, i agonized a bit over "killing" but did the deed anyway
later that night i heard some growling outside the front door
it was a cat eating one of the kittens and keeping the others away
all the kittens are gone this morning
eaten no doubt
not knowing the authentic
they praise the inauthentic
its just the way it is
the eye grows and sees all
why didn’t it always see all ?
it did
the "general problem with truth" is it places an upper bound on "being"
there is no upper bound !
is that a truth ?
koans, cases, scriptural quotes
nonsense crafted
into flypaper
for the stupid
a different world
the western
norwegian fjords in the second half of the
19th century as painted by anders askevold
the validity of being a monk or nun rests on some purposeful assumptions and is not more valid than validity of the assumptions themselves, the principle one being that the doctrine is true and not some
man-made nightmare of inconsistency and contradiction
“ The
results showed a significant association between blood group A and the severity of covid-19, whereas patients with blood group O showed a low risk of developing severe covid-19 infection
No significant association was found between Rh and susceptibility/severity of the disease ”
too long
too short
too iffy
too haught
a good video of hasui kawase
tiantong rujing : seeing off the monks translated by surupamaerl
living compels the monkey to sit on the anvil —
heaven and earth crumbles and sinks at the blow of a hammer
comes to be horizontal, while the vertical goes on with a smile, haha !
proceeding through past and present, slurping up the gruel and sleeping
my restatement
whatever happens
there is a space
beyond it all
what is "nothing" without a context
is it a state or is there no such state ?
therefore there is no such thing ?
in the quantum world you in effect get
backward causation of the future on the past through the mediation of uncertainty
inanity is in the eye of the beholder
what is simple parses deeper
if you look
i have done quite a bit of real life zen and the contradiction of its oral emphasis and reliance on written texts for validation always struck me as anomalous
i think what fits zen best is its a repackaging of
pre-socratic philosophy with a heavily phenomological emphasis which has a certain validity
textually, zen is the usual religious mixture of small stones of authenticity and boulder banks of
self-serving nonsense
your child
somewhat a clone
of you
no parent
ever gets over
how every woman
remedios varo
error is the nature of reality and has to be sorted out
Sounds like weaving a story of personal preference then ”
you really have a messed up way of looking at things, the point of sorting out mistakes is to create objective truth
frozen associations
we can’t undo them
redo them
or anything
hasui kawase’s
1931 print “ spring moon at ninomiya beach ”
1/4 down the above linked page (
3rd print down from the top)
zōjō-ji in shiba ,
political violence is interesting because it is often the result of insanity, yet the action and outcomes are entirely coherent in terms of the political result, that is they are the actions of a sane man in terms of intention and result, yet the man is insane and the violence is a vehicle for his insanity
an alphabet
falling from the sky
you are remembered
ed. janet frame and her book "the carpathians"
there’s lot of "out of body" and near death experiences floating about on the net, it is observable how they are dressed in the most appalling conceptual apparatus
if they had really died of course we would have been spared the nonsense
the issue is that they are physiological events and any conclusions derived are by necessity, derived from physiology
reading the words of others
carried on the words of others
janet frame’s
memory flowers
did she make a mistake ?
the pretenders
their duplicity is exposed
for all to see
you can travel a million miles very quickly
why get bogged down in the particular ?
because that’s where you live
politics is always a mixed bag of decaying ideologies
i never realised lev gumilev was such
a pest !
a good video, worth watching in its entirety
he was of course the son of one of russia’s most famous and suffering poets, anna akhmatova, he certainly looks like her
its interesting to compare her ultra sanity against his what is really schizophrenic insanity
when you look at this sort of stuff, you realise nabakov’s dream of a halcyon russia could only ever be that
rujing translated by surupamaerl
while setting the flames to elder yi’s funeral pyre, rujing said :
all things return to the one — since life is just like wearing a shirt, to where is "to the one" returning ?
since dying, in like, is taking off one’s pants, when life and death are shed, in one’s so doing, there is little relevancy — the light shares one path; constant, inimitable, revealing
oh ? how rapid the flames rise in the passing wind, into the great potential — world’s innumerable, as every dust, without reciprocation
my reply
world’s innumerable
the buddhists and philosophers have that right
but what does it mean ?
the depth of a scratch
exposes what is not deeper
and illuminates
with its own light
what is unlikely
versus what is not possible
think about it
the rabble of the rabble
don’t be fooled
its rabble
and they
its interesting the way virtuoso performers remain insulated from composition
i can’t see how you can play a lot and not come up with your own, some of course do, but they are not many
a receding dream
it was all fiction
made up in my head
words going around
more words going around
philosophy, various theologies
your own words
its no good being
50/50 right/wrong, you need to get a better percentage than that
there seems to be a cultural denial of psychiatric drugs having severe long term side effects, but while side effects are a major concern for "normal" medicine, the bar is lower for anything psychiatric since the base is not good health but a legal requirement to to prevent an individual being a danger to themselves or others
caution :
graphic war video
no wonder military age russian men are fleeing their country !
if you have done any hunting you know what a writhing animal means !
what i don’t understand is the way the general population tolerates these losses,
stalin’s days are long gone
actors, singers, songwriters can have a deep skill
but are usually very ordinary people
their banality
is disturbing
pulling back
as apposite as going forward
if we don’t pull back
the future becomes too crowded
the imbeciles
the "not too bright"
to take fiction as reality
and then
reality as fiction
all wrong
god knowing everything
is too complicated
even for god
the media industry of
B and
E and
the churn
of inanity
of other peoples’ lives
there is an argument that the roman empire was brought down by its own success, that the population density and agricultural intensity provided the breeding ground for the pandemic diseases and plagues that caused the depopulation that effectively meant the empire became too weak to defend its borders and the tribes on the other side of the borders not being so "civilized" didn’t have the pandemic problems to the same extent
so covid is in the same vein, and there would be others more fatal except for medical technology
a white flash or loud sound on falling asleep is quite normal and it surprises me it is not better known
also some weird blending of the dreaming state and reality on waking
i think i have had covid for the second or third time
the first was before the vaccines and a longer illness, more
flu-like or even the flu, i can’t say except covid was going around at the time
the most recent illness is very similar to the second and with an incubation period of about eight days
then a bad migraine for about two or three days during which i stop eating
then the last day with the migraine gone, but still not feeling like i could hold anything down, vomiting once and then pretty much ok except a bit weak, which is a very rapid recovery from being sick
one thing i have learnt is i think its healthy to stop eating for several days, so the not eating is not an issue with me, on fasting days i eat/drink a teaspoon of jam in hot water once to give the stomach microbiome a bit of sugar so it doesn’t morph into protein eating
lying down and resting helps you build the necessary
two pfizer vaccines separated by six months has given me the immunity i need, i’m waiting for a next generation vaccine which will cover variants, currently omicron is mutating too quickly for effective antibody immunity to be given, the current vaccines are only giving a long term general immunity which is why its important not to have them too close together
not eating (but being careful to keep hydrated ) improves the immune targeting because you don’t have any "labelled" food particles in the blood thus improving the signal to noise ratio
i can’t say for sure i have had covid because i have never been tested, but it seems to fit
let’s what’s in
and what’s out
the transaction
oddly, cataracts can act like
EDOF lens giving you vision over a range of focal lengths so going to monofocal in a sense can be a step down even though the lens is clearer
when i had the vivity edof put in my eye, from a focal point of view it was no different from the cataract, but of course clearer and the surgeon agreed that this could be so, that cataracts create multiple points of focus similar to an
in my email program
always follows
i wait for the day
yesterday is first
behind tomorrow
twitter is the cackle of idiots
good luck elon !
the publishing industry is a bunch of robbers
as you will discover
or should have
in fact
egregious error
splashes everywhere
don’t waste your time
mopping up after it
rujing at jingci : a sermon thanking the overseer translated by surupamaerl
cleansing the dharmakāya, vairocana — there’s a dried radish in this bunch of
patch-robed monks
daily, the call of the beaten gavel comes; countless images — everything turns, like the sound of rumbling wheels
it can also be said, that the place to where the merit returns, is realizing grace, and repaying this profound grace with this; everyone wins some porridge to slurp
bah !
my comments/replies
you have some experience
you tell them
they don’t
you talk some more
and realise
they cannot listen
everything turns
and the sound of rumbling wheels
can be taken for necessity
and are necessary
ed. what i get with rujing is he is very sceptical about the monks so anything he says in relation to them is ambiguous
you have some experience
you tell them
they don’t
you talk some more
and realise
they cannot listen
when philosophy goes into the way the world should work, rather than the way it works, it runs into trouble, in effect it becomes a form of politics which is why they don’t mix well or if they do mix, its a disaster of which there are plenty of examples going back to the farce of plato’s involvement with the sicilian tyrants
cy twombly
emergent complexity
its not trivial
but its trivial
an art critics dream
worthless without them
the problem with fame is a lot of people know about you, but you don’t know about them
statistically some are not going to like you and a very small percentage of those may be quite prepared to harm you if they can
publicity is a business with its downsides and if you look you can see its quite manufactured, those who don’t want to be known are generally not known
to be well known is not a default condition
Our results support previous findings suggesting that
vitamin D-deficient individuals have accelerated brain aging
In addition, associations between vitamin
D levels and total brain/ gray matter volumes suggest neuroprotective effects of vitamin
D on the brain ”
the mediocre in the arts
they won’t go
where they need to go
the pretentious
yuja wang
playing mendelssohn’s piano concerto no.
1 in
G minor, op.
everything fades
tiatong rujing’s talk on the anniversary of emperor huizong’s death
translated by surupamaerl
the soughing and rustle of the wind, the rain, steady, continuous
the wise man has never escaped the passage of suffering in nirvana
coming out to expound the peace and quiet of wondrous sound —
if you use your ears to listen, in the end, it will be hard to meet
the first statement; before the intention to pierce past and present
my reply/reworking
tranquillity and quiet
doesn’t reside anywhere
hard to meet
the future informs the past
what’s interesting
about this is without a video recording is its not worthwhile, all that effort and its gone for ever
35 seconds later
but with a digital video recording it can last as long as human civilization survives
a lot of music is in this category too, its mind blowing to think how without recording a good musical performance was consistently lost forever and this was the normal state of affairs
a poem by
In the deep
don’t you imagine the leaves think how
comfortable it will be to touch
the earth instead of the
nothingness of air and the endless
freshets of wind ?
my reply
a road
not so deep
colours surprise
and impose
compared to half light
is not so beautiful
compared to full light
is more beautiful
taylor swift’s
snow on the beach distressingly good, lyrics and music at their best are unbeatable, sappho’s territory i guess, plain writing can’t compete
its quite a bit better than her usual, obviously the collaboration with lana del ray worked
ed. sappho was a "pop" star with an unusual poetic density of lyrics matched to lyre music
“ gender is written into every cell genetically, how can it be performative ? ”
i posted this as a reply on a youtube channel and constantly i have people replying to my statement over the last seven months contending with that
seemed innocuous to me but there’s people who really believe that gender is socially (ie learned) and not biologically determined
zen is full of absolute mice i can tell you
never seen such a bunch of big talkers and runaways when accosted
I love truth.
I sought truth.
I found truth ”
lol, well i hate truth
ed. the "quotee" was high/manic on dextromethorphan from cough syrup, obviously powerful stuff !
religion to some degree is repackaged philosophy, with any sort of a philosophical background i would expect scepticism about what goes on there
“ why is meditation important ?
I’m currently practicing with mu, and do sit daily ”
that you can ask the question i think shows you are on the wrong track !
this nonsense about mu is obstructing what "sitting" should do which is make you acquainted with yourself
its just actually some "do nothing time" and you see the way the brain works and it never changes
an exploration
more life than death
no mariner bound
to tell his tale
she kept to herself
her tale
the problem of the ukrainian war is the same problem since
WW1, you selectively kill your best people, alcoholics and drug addicts have more sense than to enlist or be conscripted
war for most of human history was quite different, death was much more uniform across the entire population and young men could get fortunes to settle down with
the selective killing of modern war was the driver for the various euthanasia of "defectives" movements after world war
one of the weird things as you get older and i am talking
post-60 is the way people your age start to fall away through health problems and losing their grip on things mentally which is what i think has happened in russia, putin doesn’t have dementia but there is some significant cognitive impairment, what he has already worked out he still has some competence at but with something new like invading a country he is completely at sea while retaining his ability to keep "social control", a bad combination for everybody as it turns out
china appears to be on the same road
compassion, sanctity
the big drums thunder
they are not our size
but don’t write
you are only doing half
both are necessary
if you look at what we say
you can open it in different ways
we rebel against this
of course
small burning candles
chasing down
the game of being
male and female
what is behind it ?
categories that inhere
life’s function overwhelms
independence is twisted to
a story
goes one way
or another
better to vacate the ground ?
an interesting
anecdote recounted by phoebe waller-bridge
the absorption of labour of the ages
yet roofless
when we die
if god had created the universe, he would have been so overwhelmed by the complexity nothing would have ever happened
be warned, its a deceiving world that leaves a lot of wreckage from missteps
buddhism in the west is a hybrid that never existed in the east where it was primarily monastic
it doesn’t make sense outside of monasticism within a culture that it is intertwined with
what is godlike ?
a perception
of our roiling
out there
the mass
all who fall under its power
rujing at jingci : a poem upon returning from out in the countryside translated by
holding up the
fish-hook, returning with bright, multifaceted scales —
the full sky saturates the earth in laughter; joyful, exhilarating —
although this is but merely, the usual way of things
my experience has been storms and trials; thoroughly, repeatedly
that’s a good translation, really the essence of zen
he caught the fish hook
and the fish hook caught him
there is really nothing else
to explain
if you want to make notes just before falling asleep or on waking up in the night don’t use a cell phone, the white/blue light is too "waking" and can make it difficult to get back to sleep
a red led headlamp with pencil and paper works for me, red looks like dark to the circadian rhythm
there’s a whole class of ideas that will only come to you on the verge of falling asleep
more strange and beautiful than from waking hours
angels, being of likeness to god
are evidence for god
for god cannot be seen
“ just avoid picking and choosing ”
so simple
yet so ignored
when you look at a film like alita, there is a huge disconnect between a supposed futuristic scfi society and no projectile weaponry, all weapon use is anchored to bodies
so i had a question about this, why ?
well the answer is it is a plot device to ensure lots of conversational interaction between the protagonists and spectacular
interpersonal violence
weapons fired from a distance which is how real world conflict works are too thin in interest to capture the viewers attention, russians being killed by drone dropped grenades is
strangely flat
there are a number of genres this applies to, for example westerns with their emphasis on fist fights and duels
imprints in time
of what is mostly lost
the most "classic"
images of don quixote are by gustave doré, but we don’t recognise them as such
this one i really like
the writings of the
brontë sisters
with an underlying theme of the melancholy of senseless early death
the family’s fate
the light only shone
for a short while
the only safe help to offer
is to people who reject it
To be clear, your advice to "go read some
Bukowski" is not a helpful response ”
unless of course you read some bukowski !
he has a very "jaundiced" view of humanity, here's a good
reading of one of his poems i like
any notion of "helping others" is deluded and that’s actually a "zen truth" if you scratch below the surface
something not understood about e. m. escher is he was the inheritor of a lost world and the skillsets of the mosque artisans of various medieval arab/islamic empires
he literally brought the designs from then into the twentieth century
a couple i know of adopted a child and gave him a very good upbringing and as a young man he murdered a woman in a park
the brain has its own logic sometimes and won’t swerve from the course it wants
often it doesn’t take much drug use to create a damaged personality, especially in adolescents
my opinion about lasik is interfering with such a nerve dense organ as the cornea is always problematic, it is, after all, the eye’s "other lens"
your view of the world and people is too soft, you strike me as "deluded"
of being
shows how little they understand themselves
the hardness of getting old
all the change that is needed
happens slowly
too slowly
a denial of the validity of criticism
unhealthy as
the "dream of red mansions" is one of the great chinese classics, though not overtly about ch’an, its there in the background, the social class it is about had some of their daughters go into convents which is really all the ch’an that was at this late stage of the game
he who sells others
he has no value himself
caught in the world
seeing beyond the world
some wisdom in what we are doing
some remnant
of what is beyond
my downvoters ?
inarticulate as per the usual glorification of a low reading age
reading they stumble
writing they tumble
inarticulate idiots
the product
of today’s education
ed. a huge number of people on message boards don’t get that writing and reading skill is important and are traumatised when they realise that writing can carry them further than their blinkered minds want to go
“ prayers . . .
it’s all i got
but still given generously ”
giving nothing
as she says "generously"
her worth
is ?
let’s pretend there’s substance
where there is
a taintong rujing quote
Open your eyes and tip over the sky in a jar —
he’s basically describing the enlightenment experience
"the sky tips like a jar flooding the inner vision"
that meshes quite well with the idea (ed. chinese) of fairy folk tales (other worlds) being kept in
a jar in the sky which in terms of philosophy is nativistic/ innatism/ a priori and also very recently, the brain as a
quantum computer
Because these brain functions were also correlated to
short-term memory performance and conscious awareness, it is likely that those quantum processes are an important part of our cognitive and conscious brain functions ”
tiantong is about the only zen teacher to talk authentically about enlightenment experiences, some like joshu you can infer he has had by his approach, but a lot of the others like dai hui and huang po are ignorant and are the usual unenlightened "teachers"
the idea that the brain uses quantum computing is as old as philosophy and known as innatism, its more modern form is nativism
the tie up with quantum computing is the mechanism of picking from an array of
pre-existent answers
paradoxically some of the modern teaching philosophy is based on "tabula rasa" and actually some academic language ideas as well
the whole "performative gender" thing is based on tabula rasa, there is something to tabular rasa but practically nativism is where its at,
DNA itself is nativistic
one rather amusing side effect of the russian mobilization and war is it makes it hard to argue that gender is social performance rather than biological
a poem by basho followed by my reply
sitting quietly, doing nothing
spring comes
and the grass grows by itself
quiet sitting is a dream
the voicebox of the brain
“ "
How are you" is one of the most pointless questions ”
not at all, its designed to search out or indicate the state of the person you are talking to
e.g. how hostile or friendly they will be to you
words asleep
well i wake them
but they slip back
unready yet
to face the world
ed. below is my reply to some schizophrenic nonsense posted on my subreddit, my writings are like a magnet to the mad who read me then throw back my writings at me all garbled
its not a poem, its voynich
just a bunch of unworked ideas lacking any sort of "philosophical" rigour and uninformed by your own experience
vacuity in mud
and mud in vacuity
can’t disguise itself
sepehr writes
I had an interesting dream
A woman sang about seeing a god near a tree, so
I decided to take a look
There was that experience of timelessness again, which can be likened to a circumference that appears wavy and a center that is indivisible, but this time
I screamed internally as my sense of self dissolved into the center
A blue and luminescent angelic being then appeared near the center, whose form was not entirely discernible
It was like an angel or the soul of the tree, perhaps the
I saw its form,
I knew the tree possessed a soul
my reply
"blue and luminescent angelic being"
blue is not a propitious colour in that context
red is
your dreams are "literary quality", unusually visionary by any standards, rather
a medieval
soap opera carved on an ivory casket
how bronze age scandinavians
explained the sun’s cycle
zen is full of "manufactured" enlightenment experiences including just about all supposed zen masters. the whole thing is so fake its ridiculous
a genuine enlightenment experience will put you immediately at odds with the zen "establishment" so is traumatic in that sense, when you have had it, you know what it is — accept no substitutes and you will get nothing but confused idiocy from those who have never had it
they are a sort of answer, but can have subtle aspects that take decades to pick up on, in my own case its a movement away from zen’s
, what is effectively a form of monotheism into a more loose aggregation "of truths", there’s really nothing, or no agency behind these truths, that’s very hard for us humans to get, yet its not quite a flat surface so to speak
ceasing to do something
not because you make a choice to desist
but because you have better things to do
is the way to go
the burden of deconstruction what is continually constructing
mad in its mania
don’t be defeated
before you start
don’t tell people what they might understand
they invariably resent it
don’t tell people what they can understand
they invariably resent it
don’t tell people what they understand
they invariably resent it
if you ever come to the attention of national or international media
it will all be edited to your disadvantage
the crazy world of treating fairy tales as real
that’s only half pejorative
a riveting
account by a recently mobilized russian soldier from sakhalin of how he was put on the front line without adequate training and is now wounded
what amazes me is how its not perceived as civil war which is what it really is, similar culture and races focused on nothing but killing each other
the only beneficiary is us in the pacific being forewarned against china
basically one man is bringing two countries to ruin, how can he stay in power ?
there must be others who think as mistakenly as him
buddhism is noticeably less christian and more greek than zen/ch'an, which is what what you would expect from the history of their development which most people are unfamiliar with
you can find
what is there to find
but you can’t find
what is not there to find
the eye of insight opening
changing the reality of what appears
a moving field of uncertainty
is what it is
the chinese can be as crazy or crazier than anyone else if you look at their current political system and history
if you are suffering from "ennui", take an interest in quality literature, philosophy and art, there’s an awful lot on youtube
the normative world is crucifyingly dull
western translations of buddhist and zen religious works are very "monotheistic" in tone, the
non-monotheistic view is too strange for westerners
"the other shore" is an interesting idea (ed. buddhism) because it implies an alternate or alternate realities which imo is the core of zen with its emphasis on enlightenment stepping into those realities
you can read bodhidharma’s "
6 paramitas" as a prescription for celibate practice and to be sure i don’t think zen or buddhism has much meaning outside celibacy, though of course "alternate realities" abound outside celibacy, its just the attention to see them is difficult to come by outside celibacy
strung between
is and is not
faraway places
strange spaces
anything can be
because its not
ed. "faraway places" seemed to be a line from a song i remembered and on a search
, lo and behold
different spaces of being
how do they connect ?
i don’t know
a way of looking at causation is it is an effect of changes above a level of complexity that can be reversed
so its intimately linked with time
we all have opinions
why is that we are surprised others have theirs
as different as we are from them
the mishy mashy of what we are
beliefs, incorrect ideas, correct ideas
a ragtag of motivations
spinning fields colliding
generating sparks
we go forward going backward
and backward going forward
life’s trajectory can hardly be certain
can it ?
another reworking of a taintong rujing quote, the context is a lecture by him to monks
handling the gourd
they think its impenetrability has no opening
arrogant and ignorant
they want to stay that way
flowers in spring
the petals light up your life
this is disbelieved
ed. a gourd has a number of significances in japanese and chinese literature and art that a search will reveal
its an unusual thing to be born sane in an insane world
the constant trauma of the dissonance
why it is like this i do not know
tattoo inks are unregulated and contain
nano-particles, carcinogens and toxins
heavily tattooed people always have mental and physical health issues, its a form of self injury
also i count the usually extraordinarily bad art as toxic
why be a billboard for an idiot
forever ?
demons and spirits
but true
good writers blend imagination with their own experience
everything fits with neville, the problem with shakespeare is he would have to be writing from imagination, but sir henry neville is writing from his and his families life
the historical facts we know about shakespeare is he likely illiterate and an underworld "heavy"
his connection with sir henry neville beyond being a
2nd cousin is the globe theater where a lot of different elizabethan worlds intersected
the true author being sir henry neville is being increasingly accepted amongst the younger generation of university scholars
why the acceptance is delayed is there is a political dimension, shakespeare being middle class and sir henry neville being almost aristocracy
none of the other claimants match stylistically or thematically
unlike shakespeare his life in interesting and fun to research
that we can be mistaken
does not
necessarily imply
we are mistaken
those for whom a google search is a step too far
disgraceful !
in jail
he claims no jailer
as evidence
he quotes a story
that doesn’t
philosophy is really the development of theories of minds for autistics
how does the world actually work ?
find out and the confusion will lift
result defeats intention
when you live long
you know this
the young chase what they want
and get something else
it takes aging
to see the confusion
the criminal confesses
as well he might
when praised by the jailers
for his criminality
string theory generates vast numbers (
10 to the power of
500!) of universes as solutions to its equations
steven weinburg
explaining why the "anthropic principle" is valid
he is one of the great minds of physics, you can see the difference in the clarity and simplicity of the way he presents his ideas
all things can be
therefore there are the laws of physics
all things can’t be
therefore only some of the laws of physics can work
the problem megan markle and prince harry have, is neither are remarkable intellectually, they are too "normative" for public life basically
"nothing" has a context, that is a frame or tableau in which there is nothing in contradistinction to something or things
you can’t have nothing without something, you might better ask, why can’t you have "meaning" without antithesis so you start to end up with asking "what is meaning" and i think its some sort of coherence arising from an associative flux, without a certain level of coherence being reached it falls away into nothing, with more coherence it becomes something
you can play circular word games forever and i feel that the circular word game is the foundation of everything, there’s no base, just various fluxes that necessarily occur in absence
a common flaw in writing poetry is being too overtly conceptual, you want to let the words do the work of thinking for you
this would be more a male failing than female one, women tend to be bound by feelings which gives a certain intensity but lacks emergent thematics
the use of "why" as a direct response is a bit bald and antagonistic and doesn’t give an entry into a more informed discussion, though it has its place
gaining the opposite
you also gain what is not opposite
word spells
w.b. yeats
for all his madness
ireland, maud gonne, fairies, séances
he had a lyric gift
yet the madness
was tangled in
seem right
and probably are
but eat
their adherents
Huating used to have a duck that could speak —
Now, in the state of
Yue, there are no geese that can write ”
talking ducks
geese that write
how can these things be ?
find out if you are amongst them
was rujing complimentary or not ?
damien, there is an "intellectual stupidity" about you, selling
hackneyed tropes and making good money from that, not stupid in that respect at least
transmigration of "real physical identity" into nfts won’t work any more than it did for the "heaven’s gate" cult, ideas can transfer into each other, but objects can’t
interesting video, entirely theatre
you can compare it with the
monotype printing technique where the master is destroyed in the printing process, the print is necessarily unique
against this, ntf’s seem fakes, in part because, as in damien hirst’s case, the ntf is a degraded image of the original, whereas the destructive printing process of monotype generates the original
sarcasm is the last refuge of the already defeated, the cynicism of knowing you can’t win
seem to spend most of my time there
i’m old enough to have seen "vegetarianism" having gone through various phases, it used to be more intelligent rather than the obscenely high grain loading (especially wheat) now current
my observation in general about the vegetarian diet is this, it fries the brain because it lacks the nutritional profile of a
more balanced diet
if you have studied any history, you will know that war is the normal state of human affairs and that the historical "shakyamuni", a persian emperor was assassinated, betrayed by one of his wives as it happened
the buddha legend is a composite, "shakyamuni" is a persian emperor who is the only historical figure known by that name, so that’s where you get the name and royal background, other parts of the legend come from other places eg the tree shrines of nepal for that part of the legend
i replied to you because i have the same problem with pissing my time away on mental junk food like that stupid netflix series you watched, it has a huge cost of being more than a waste of time, rather its a very unproductive concentration of attention much better spent on what is essential
there is no "bottom", because the belief system you have as the "base" is illusory which is the same for any belief system
you are effectively writing a story about the netflix series, which you seemed at home in, that its a story is obvious, what is also "obvious" is the buddha legends are also stories, of no more weight than the netflix series
buddhism and zen are really "repackaged philosophy" which you would expect from their origins in the
greco-bactrian empires, well, kingdoms
being ignorant as legal systems say, is no defense
our study suggests that abnormal leg alignment, a risk factor for future injury and osteoarthritis, develops in early adolescence due to
high activity levels ”
tin cans banging
i listen for an organ tone
i can listen for a long time
occasionally one catches a drift
that means something more
only to disappear
meditation, while offering benefit, also can create victims in my observation, too much vacuity that gets filled in with nonsense
more reworkings of tiantong rujing
at the end of a long road
others have fallen by the wayside
there is only you
without work
you will make no progress
without study
you will make no progress
yet if you follow the road, without study or work, you will arrive
a gift of difficulty
for children
the talkers are poisonous
wasting your time with their malevolence
on the boundaries of being
is an answer
he cuts people’s heads off
in his imagination
the sword slices through air
removing air
and is air
and he is
hot air
100 inconsistencies
he adds another hundred
and thinks
butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth
you are reacting confrontationally because i have disturbed your echo chamber is what it amounts to
how pathetic to be some sort of idiot posting/ talking nonsense and being unable to conduct any sort of dialogue about what they don’t understand, because in their own eyes they know everything already, so just get defensive
a low reading age is only admirable in some quarters, but they certainly exist
zero real life experience
breeds here
"the buddha"
bad dreams
to wake from
infinity will write upon you
if you let it
its heavy footsteps tread
forming the ground
its unmistakable shape will trip you
be careful of making an echo chamber, hubris eats even the able
i was looking at the haka performed in the australia versus black ferns rugby match at eden park and thinking that while men need a war dance, women don’t because they are always on a war dance
a prescription or counting
of infinity
that can never work
but is rarely seen through
i don’t think we know ourselves particularly well
why don’t we know ourselves ?
why do we never wonder about this ?
as if anyone understands what emmanuel levinas was writing
including himself
as if anyone understands what levinas was writing
including levinas
hypnagogic visual phenomena
waking is a strange state for the brain if you think about it
the precepts (ed. buddhist) are nonsense, lying has its place, but its often better just to not say anything and let
the other/s make assumptions
surviving and making things more benign for yourself and others is a work in progress
you have some bad cognitive habits, you need to take an interest in philosophy and not zen to learn to straighten them out, zen just plays into fancifulness if you are not careful
there are plenty of good philosophy
the king understands
formalism is a formality
and discards it
for his peers
the king
is joshu’s peer
there is
ed. my comment on the incident in the record of joshu where joshu skips the formalities when the king visits, but doesn’t when a lower ranking dignitary does
2’s translation of tiantong rujing’s "presented to the monks"
shouts sound like thunderclaps, shaking the clear skies
a clear strike, and flying stars transform into living dragons —
do not join a troupe of children such as this
a riot of blossoms flutter their sleeves, dancing on the spring breeze
喝聲霹靂震晴空。 白棒飛星化活龍。 不入這般兒女隊。 亂花翻袖舞春風。
my re-translation
the ambitious
shake the earth
don’t join them
its beside the point
"reality" is an idea about "reality"
the turtles in the stack
for a bottom
“ what is the golden fish ? ”
chasing an answer
the gullible flounder
(please forgive the pun)
ed. the golden fish refers to case 33 of "the book of serenity"
this poem of
Cummings i liked
north korea with a very limited nuclear strike capability has kept china from invading
the gullible
perform for the gullible
its nothing great
i can assure you
infection on the nose might be more significant than you think, there can be complex involvements between skin cancer development and infections
I find
40% hydrogen peroxide works well with skin infections/ pre cancers, you can get it in the form of spa pool sanitizers like king neptune
went through that way
25 years ago, must have had my eyes closed, didn’t see half of it
quadratic equations
the unsolved stories of our lives
that go on forever
after which we forever lurch
layman pang
dumping all his money in the river
that is when
you know the story
two wrongs make a right
how does it happen ?
two rights make a wrong !
its not generally known that stalin had a fair portion of his wife’s family
killed after her suicide
he is still glorified in some quarters including putin’s russia, its just amazing, i suppose its no accident
this stuff is stranger than fiction
what are abstractions ?
why is there no answer to this ?
because any answer impinges upon abstractions
the way we order the world
ideas about ideas
yet some will kill for them
the booker prize shortlistee noviolet bulawayo ("glory")
talks about her childhood and learning how to tell stories
its like this
our enemy thinks he’s the good, i’m the bad, and you are umm . . . .
only the good and bad matter, but call me ugly, i don’t mind
the russo-ukrainian war is giving a superb example of how it works with an invading power that has nuclear weapons against a country that does not
basically the threat of using nuclear weapons keeps any allies of the country being invaded out and restricted to indirect help
taiwan needs its own nuclear weapons as matter of urgency, there’s no getting around it, and longer term so does australia
interestingly milton’s view of "god" is not as an ultimate cause, but a very powerful participant in reality, not ultimately powerful, that question is a bit on edge since satan rebelled and thought he was in with "a better than even chance"
i criticize "zen" and buddhism as monotheist, by which i mean they have a view of one entity behind everything
a lot of the more sophisticated writing is a refutation of that view, so the problem has always been understood
Why is
Zen in scare quotes ? ”
because i think it is a bit of a construct as a religion, it appears to me it wasn’t very differentiated from buddhism in chinese dynasty times
so the "scare quotes" identify a difference from buddhism in terms of buddhism being a more real and actual religion by itself
zen also has substantial daoist and christian influences
Christian is a surprising claim ”
yeah, that’s what i initially thought, but
nestorian christianity was going strong in china around the period zen was forming
it would be a dominant religion in china today if it hadn’t been so successful it was perceived as a threat by the state and suppressed
a lot of zen doctrine if you look is surprisingly christian-like and the reason it was so rapidly uptaken in the west to an extent buddhism wasn’t, there was no cognitive dissonance
interestingly, christianity was very much part of the boxer rebellion
its just like greek philosophy being a formative influence on buddhism, how could such a thing be ? well when alexander the great’s empire collapsed, it split into various kingdoms and the one’s contiguous to india and central asia formed what is known as the
greco-bactrian kingdoms which were ruled by greeks, there’s plenty of info on the web about this, the flowing robe buddha statues are in fact developed from greek ideas about statuary
real life zen is quite strongly enmeshed with other christian faiths in some cases, there’s a doctrinal fit that needs to be explained and historically you can see it in the muted "trinitarian", ie more strongly monotheistic flavour that nestorian christianity is
time and reality don’t work the way we think it does
appearances are deceptive
necessarily so
i think we have a
rose-tinted picture of historical monastical life but the reality was different, theft, sexual scandals, pregnancy, local politics extending to open warfare, depleting the countryside of resources, illness and disease, freeloading monks, incompetent administration, convents being high class brothels etc
all the wasted avenues of my life
the problem is they are mine
the futility and emptiness
are mine
the wikipedia entry for francisco goya’s "los caprichos" has the full eighty prints, he had to withdraw them soon after they went on sale, the ones ridiculing priests, the church and the inquisition were going dangerously too far
a good youtube on goya’s
black art though beware of the narration being too "interpretative"
zen is a "multivalent" word, you go to grasp it and it slips into another meaning
good luck finding some fixed definition !
reworkings of three tiantong rujing quotes translated by surupamaerl
ed. i passed on no.
2 in the sequence, so its
3, and
released from oneself
it happens
the music of infinity
not distant
but close
is misunderstood
not seen at close quarters
or even the large
a savage beast
that needs taming
stealing from the conventional
the unconventional lasts
well beyond its use by date
the birds sing and flowers bloom
in the late autumn garden
a trope
the "extraordinary"
by the unenlightened
stages of life
pass quickly
an observation
that increasingly grows on you
Louise Bourgeois
In order to liberate myself from the past, i have to reconstruct it, ponder about it, make a statue out of it and get rid of it through making sculpture, i’m able to forget it afterwards.
I have paid my debt to the past and am liberated ”
my thinking (such as it is) is that you have a situation somewhat akin to plato’s forms that "stability" inclines to future stability and in fact the development of biology is simply a progression of stability
so when you add probability (improbability in smolin’s terms) then any universe that is stable enough to exist, it will necessarily develop life and biology
so i agree with
lee smolin , you don’t need a profusion of "almost universes" the continued existence of this one is enough and if you look at the time scales of biological development in relation to the development of the universe, that fits
“ evolution through time changed causality ”
“ natural selection will generate things that are true but improbable, that’s how we recognise its action ”
its funny how the main lesson of the cold war has been lost, that the russian high command doesn’t have complete control of launching, that lower levels of command or in the case of cuba, that fidel castro could hijack the command makes any escalation by russia very fraught, the politburo appreciated this because over the whole of the cuba crisis russia never went onto nuclear standby
it was so disturbing to russia that nikita khrushchev was eventually sacked because of it
what is unusual about putin is he is really the leader with the most power/control since stalin and i would say at this point he doesn’t seem in sound mind, maybe a degree of dementia, who knows
the russians got it all wrong from the start, they should have never permitted the separatists to rebel against ukraine in the donetsk and the real low hanging fruit was belarus which they could have annexed without complaint and from a strategic point of view would have greatly strenghtened their hand against the ukraine forcing a much better possible deal for them over the crimea
i think putin is if he is able to will drop a nuclear bomb on the ukraine, he’s pretty much a dead man if he doesn’t, the question is whether he will be able to stay in power long enough to do this and just russia going on nuclear standby means things get very scary
the nuclear drill he has ordered is the first step to that, can we look forward to more
strontium-90 in the atmosphere ?
there is an irrationality to the russian foreign policy and war aims that is disturbing
my reply to
some-one with mental health problems on r|zen
prior to your belief you are "enlightened" is a belief that its some sort of valid concept and imo "enlightenment" without a context the way you use it, is not valid
so we don’t have to argue whether or not you are "enlightened", but we can argue what is meant by it or if it is semantically valid at all
their hubric certainty
of the way things are
and the way they should be
some new corner of the universe you drive into
already occupied
"ghostly action at a distance" can work
backwards in time
nabakov’s novel, "ada" is an alternative historical pathway and when you look at battles and wars and their usually very uncertain outcomes there's obviously many infinitudes of alternative pathways around but when you look at archaeology and factual history there is only one occurrence
however when that information is not there, there are any number of speculative/creative hypotheses
t.s. eliot at age
59 writing to emily hale to excuse himself from marrying her after his wife vivien died in a mental asylum
“ I cannot, cannot, start life again, and adapt myself (which means not merely one moment, but a perpetual adaptation for the rest of life) to any other person ”
its quite an interesting perspective, that constant tax on one’s being of adaption and attention, if you take its meaning relationships later in life should not be rushed into
shoes to hair
what can you do ?
faux poets
cobble words together
their coinage
is bankrupt
not content with being bound
they handcuff their hands to their feet
appearing and disappearing
our thoughts
where do they go ?
yet they return
from nowhere we can see
a reply to me was made by way of a poem with the lines
turning again/ as our thoughts do/ as on a wheel
my reply
that’s "seeing" and theoretical/theological , i really take a much more "phenomenological" approach and don’t make unwarranted inferences
i think this is the basic problem, people don’t have enough meditative/contemplative experience and fill in the gaps with theology or theory and so never penetrate the true understanding actual phenomenology gives
my observation is that reddit posters are not on a normal distribution but tend much more to the extreme ends so caution is needed
when i was young
everybody was older than me
but i felt older than them
now i am old
and everybody is younger than me
i feel younger than them
steroids are a double edged sword, they inhibit the correct recovery of the eye’s corneal endothelial layer, i stopped taking the steroids the day after my cataract operation hoping to simulate a sort of
DWEK and imo its worked
i had been taking
3000iu a day of vitamin
D a day for years, so there was the steroidal effect of that
the scary part is that for a couple of weeks i had quite impaired vision through the eye (i had one eye done at a time) which i wouldn’t have had if i had been on the steroid, but when it cleared up the final result was very very good and actually my eyes are less dry as well, but this was never a severe condition with me
the above is not a recommendation or even saying that i have interpreted what i did correctly
slavs killing slavs, histories old old story
there’s nothing worse than people who disagree but pretend to agree, only all their actions speak disagreement
a fascinating development in new testament scholarship is that as you know, the authors of the gospels were always unknown, but now it appears likely they were concocted by well educated upper/ leisured class romans as what was essentially "fan fiction"
you can see how that might also fit zen buddhism, being as it was a religion/ interest of the administrative class
once you weed out the
pseudo-biographical aspect you are stuck with zen being a lot of "repackaged" philosophical memes and tropes, a tar pit for the stupid
zen splits in a very uneven way into "logocentricsm" and meditative work, a way of looking at "shikantaza" is its an attempt to break away from the usual waste of time meditative practices into something genuine
"formal english study" in the usa is a disaster of "cretinism", the stupidity of those who go through it is unbelievable,
narrow-minded, no creative spirit whatsoever etc
recursion inducts a measure of meaninglessness
interpretations are "unlimited", that is their "nature"
recursion is fundamental to zen because explanations of reality have to escape recursion
you can argue that in the zen records, the fundamental criticism the "master" makes of the monks is they don’t escape recursion, they just parrot overt
semantic-pragmatic religious nonsense
"correct" and "incorrect" in terms of case
31 in the blue cliff record
jesus descended from the clouds
and got crucified for his pains
the post-mortem ascent
is far less certain
the voices of confusion
then you figure
voice itself
is wrong
being right can get you into as much trouble as being wrong
scripture is in a sense literature ie creative writing, you can make it anything you think fits, so you are looking for the most "illuminating" interpretation
a monk asked joshu : it is said "the true teaching has no meta", neither of us are here
joshu replied : "i beg to differ"
the monk was dumbfounded
to think the fools
parade the nonsense of others
their own nonsense
would be sufficient
What do you mean by "fool" ? ”
a person asking a question
, the answer to which is incriminating of them
old men on carousel horses
they go up and down
and the carousel
goes around and around
as familiar as we are to ourselves
others remain a mystery
be cautious with approval
surprises abound
edvard munch
a northern emptiness
of light
so much
the interesting
is rare
art versus writing
logocentrism versus the visual image
try as i might
i can’t compare them
any basis
eludes me
i looked up and saw the pleiades
they were doing a shuffle dance
w - hat ? ?
a stitch too far
binding tightly
what doesn’t belong
ed. i was thinking a problem the philosophical and theological systems of thought have is they overextend themselves, for some reason their various authors assume they have to be able to explain everything but the very completeness of an explanation is its own demise through an increasing level of recursive feedback
how weird modern communications have made the world, i’m watching
a livestream of putin’s "speech" with simultaneous translation by a draft evader who fled to georgia
putin is seriously deranged, a worry since russia is a nuclear power, what this lecture by putin is about is he is saying in effect that russia will use nuclear weapons in the last resort to ensure its control of the occupied ukrainian territories
everything is super accelerated, what would take months or years now transpires in days or weeks
when you quote something and fail to credit the translator you are committing the crime of dishonesty since you are trying to make it appear that the quote is what the quotee originally said whereas it just the translator’s opinion
of course its not always known who the quotee is but most quotes should be assigned a translator credit as a courtesy to both the reader and translator
failing to credit the translators is so dishonest, with google you can do some quite easily and a bit of work will open to you why this is so
you need to do some translation yourself to understand the problem
turning in circles
waypoint is passed
he reads what he wants
and filters out what he doesn’t want
full and empty
the witless
prattle on
god and godless
they talk forever
the language changes
but the nonsense doesn’t
the witless
is offended
by wit
he has some insufficiency
he never had
the wit to imagine
he ate the pizza under a crescent moon
they were both round once
bottoms out
in the face of adversity
why should i explain anything to you ?
the whole point of my assessment of you responding to me in bad faith is any help i give you will be used against me
endless sinks
of intellectual
the modern disease
satan is angsted
over being satan
has never read
the everyday use of english, that is communication so many people can understand each other is so important in talking and writing, i equate any movement away from that a shift into mental illness
as i said earlier you write in "bad faith", resort to naïve sophistical tricks and maybe are not even conscious of it
"zen masters" are a fictional literary construct
enlightenment requires a context, it doesn’t exist as a standalone abstraction, ie one is enlightened about something, to say "one is enlightened" is meaningless
It is clear that the
Masters were "enlightened" ”
so you have taken an ontological position with axioms, but the axioms break down on examination and in fact i think the more interesting question is whether there are ever any axioms prior to an ontology that don’t break down on examination
fortunately there is a good example of the problem in the "proof of the existence of god" and interestingly you can get a reasonably coherent proof, but you still have trouble with the axioms, like you have god existing, but this is conditional on there also being not god, but that being the case, how can god be limited by his own boundaries ?
joshu i thinks shines in this respect, he is constantly refuting the axioms of what is said to him, often quite subtly and dogen i think understands the problem, his sort of flowing or tidal affirmation and refutation, this establishing and deconstruction of axioms
i don’t know why people find it so hard to get this, their theological castle building with the main activity being to defend it whereas building castles necessarily enforces their destruction
so i would take the position there are better and worse axioms but there’s no resolution or finality on their ability to hold up to examination
the whole game on r|zen is making axioms and developing some decrepit ontology from them, but the axioms are not coherent and lack quality
battle of hastings was quite "touch and go" but the english army was significantly less professional (and not really under adequate control) than the normans, what worked against the norse melee style wouldn’t work against disciplined knights in heavy armour on horses
basically harold godwinson made several strategic mistakes, not letting his army have more time to recover from their earlier pitched battle, not enough training of new troops and not gathering more troops, all of which he had the time and home base advantage for and had he done would have likely won
i think it was a transition from the rough and tumble of viking style warfare to a more professional army not seen since roman times
putin’s billion dollar "palace" is what the english call a "folly", interestingly when a top ranking general built one after world war two, stalin made him convert it into an orphanage
cathedral ceilings
modified cones
speaking the labour that went into them
from the sky
some of the most unpleasant people i have met are
the benign mist of feeling they had has lifted to reveal the damage
when the writing dries up
i’m out
henry the viii had an alternative career as a
pop song writer
the claim for unlimited
the endless
nonsense spun
without meaning
intellects scraping the barrel
of no barrel
come up with the slime
of their wholly inadequate
I don’t think so ”
"i think so"
two sides to an ambiguity
it falls one way
then another
you reach for either
and it disappears
"bad faith" is not simply my issue with your behaviour, but your issue with yourself, its more deep seated than anything i can attempt in the nature of a repair
that’s the nature of bad faith, to claim "good faith" despite the evidence to the contrary
most of the translations of nagarjuna are really bad, they add so much stuff its ridiculous, his "sparseness" and recursion is obviously "unpalatable"
thus far you have continued to evade my salient points , so i have to conclude you are replying in bad faith so i am ceasing to reply
zen is looking more and more to me like repackaged philosophy, its not actually that difficult to pick
i have been a bit negative on hegel taking schopenhauer’s lead on him, but he has his moments
a lot of philosophy is deliberately obscure and obfuscated
not saying all, one of the reasons nietzsche is so popular is he doesn’t go down this path
If you call a guitar a "burger," and ask me to get you a burger,
I won't be able to get you a guitar.
But if
I spend a couple hours a day with you, and you keep talking about playing your burger, and how
Hammett is such a great burger player, eventually it will dawn on me to grab the guitar when you ask for "burger" ”
"sick" is a good example of a word with a changed meaning, when i was younger, it never meant anything except illness
the trouble with "burger" is that is a special idiosyncratic meaning, you have to be restricted to common public understandings
its a very common feature of mental illness when definitions get moved away from what the general public acceptance is and actually a lot of philosophy suffers from that flaw
You can get it all from half a sentence ”
get what ?
how intellectually lazy you are ?
the glorification of a low reading age ?
its a cheap rhetorical trick, to strip a pronoun of context and pretend it means something
the younger generations are big on this sort of intellectual dishonesty i notice
colourized film of the
1902 great yorkshire show at leeds
notice the women’s fashion with trailing skirts so the ankles are well covered and there’s really no old people there
and the hats
also mono-racial
some of the younger men there would be killed in world war one
that’s a literal translation (ed. of some medieval chinese that makes no sense at all) which shows you how much more "comprehensible" translations are in fact the translator’s opinion
all this nonsense of quotes and the stupid claiming "so and so said" when really its just a translator’s opinion
i’m getting on a bit and even in my lifetime i have seen the meanings of words shift or change, same word, different meaning, if you look at medieval china with the time spans since and geographical and cultural differences the philology must be very difficult to establish, especially for poetry which is so dependent on an in depth facility with any particular language and dialect
camille monet
i had no idea who this woman in his paintings was, she died unfortunately young, but that’s how it was in those days
without some "contemplative/meditative" work to give those involved in whatever religion some introspective skill, they are just wasting their time
a question materialises an answer
both are lost
but the gate remains
a concatenation of fictions
if the first wasn’t
the latter can’t be
Natural immunity worked just fine for me — never got vaxxed, wore a mask or took any precautions, and never got covid. And there are tens of millions of people like me, so you are talking nonsense ”
i think there’s a lot of genetic variation in the effective immune response to covid, your "tens of millions" doesn't cover the billions affected, plenty of people have died or got "long covid"
i was careful to get a minimum of six months between my two shots which is what the research suggests is most effective and i was only sick for a day when i caught it
can i suggest you brush up on your "social skills", your reply was unnecessarily aggressive and
self-righteous, why put people’s backs-up over matters that can be "dialogued"
theological exegesis
pompous waffle
about nothing
the point of aporia of all religions is the same
that what must be necessarily universal is denied in favour of particulars arbitrarily assigned as "true"
I find it really hard to "get" zen.
Its really confusing to me.
Could someone explain the philosophy to me ? ”
its interesting you use the word "philosophy", my view is increasingly that zen is just a bunch of "repackaged" philosophical tropes and memes like "solipsism", phenomenology and logocentrism
when you poke it there’s nothing there like christianity and surprisingly, zen is a form of modified christianity, monotheist basically which is a philosophical trope
interestingly buddhism is noticeably less monotheist than zen
so the problem is to explain why zen is in fact so christian
well as it turns out nestorian christianity was growing strongly in china during zen’s formative years, it wasn’t just buddhism that came along the silk road, but nestorian christianity as well and actually bodidharma (the blue eyed barbarian) is the description of a man from christian persia
there are heaps of other parallels between zen and christianity and this similarity is why zen has been picked up more readily by western culture and the churches than buddhism which is really a more alien animal
zen has parentage as a religion and other historical sources is what it all boils down to
i hardly ever read fiction now, it only rarely "grabs" me,
the hunter gracchus by franz kafka grabs me, highly imaginative to a point
went to a funeral
might as well have been my own
too many people
the eulogies tedious and long
the only bright point
i sneaked out early
to beat the rush out of the car park
the hearse doing a lap of honour
around the football ground
the strangeness
of the body in the box
not seeming to have occurred
to any mourner
what’s totally absurd about putin and the russians is they could have annexed belarus and nobody would have complained and this would have given them a better geopolitical footprint in europe than annexing the ukraine
the rot started for russia in its failure to hand the donbas back to the ukraine because the russian population in the area also kept the ukraine more friendly to moscow and some sort of compromise was possible over the crimea
instead you just had this warzone nightmare festering on the mutual boundaries
putin is the usual dictator with extreme social control utterly at sea on long term geopolitical strategy
beyond logocentrism
the cut of the winter sword
and being beaten by the swirling melee
into a pearl’s lustre
gardens and the sea
in their own way
the logocentric
trip over them
putin is a godsend to australasia, telling them what they are up against with china
in the final analysis its all about your ability to deliver nuclear warheads
unless putin is removed from power which seems unlikely in the short and even medium term it seems certain that at least one or two tactical nuclear warheads will be dropped
against that, the russians are very wary of any stepping up of the nuclear threat, in part because their systems are so unreliable, just going on nuclear launch standby runs the risk of accidental launching, this was one of the reasons stalin was executed by beria and khrushchev eventually fired, they got too close
however launching a tactical weapon doesn’t engage the same risk
a "tactical" nuclear warhead is about two thirds the size of hiroshima
imo the fundamental lesson of the cuba crisis was that the political leadership can lose control of the launching, that escalation can run away into disaster
the problem i have with philosophy is that understanding what is said is so dependent on learning what really is a new language, the complexities of the nuances and redefinitions of the way any particular philosopher uses his mother tongue
this is almost schizophrenic because the philosopher redefines the use of a language away from how it is normally used, and actually its necessary it does this since normal language outside poetry won't manage the semantic burden imposed on it
i think there’s this battle between the assumption of an underlying, consistent "philosophical theory of everything" and that every "philosopher" produces something unique and a lot less than 100% relatable to other philosophers, derrida would a good example of this
does the brain think in language, or is there something before language ?
or does language have a deep structure that the specific elements of grammar, syntax, phonemes etc are only the very latter stages of ?
you could argue that philosophy is just ideas presented in an obtuse way, idiosyncracy rather than the broad road of common usage
those that won’t be told
won’t be told
one thing i had never thought about being the eldest child
you are nearer your parents age than your siblings
to some extent you were brought up by different people
my brain
burnt out
damn the internet
one or many
in a poem
i am not concerned
it should read
a whole
philosophy is like this, a field of mutating definitions and meanings just creating piles of words to no point
poverty of mind
just words
kludged together
no life
yeah, john of the cross had a very interesting life, reading about and the works of these "superior" people lifts you out of the problem of having your reality defined by one’s everyday acquaintances and their conventional stupidity, normally an insurmountable brick wall in terms of limited views of life
as matter of interest, i came across this really good poem by sappho (translated by
mary barnard )
, simple and beautiful and written about
2592 years ago
tonight i’ve watched
the moon and then the pleiades
go down
the night is now
half-gone; youth
goes; i am
in bed alone
she was the mega
rock star of her day as it happens and her family was on the losing side of a power struggle in lesbos , so she got exiled and went to sicily where she found a statue erected to her so i guess she had gone to the right place
one of her brothers married a famous egyptian prostitute which she was not happy about
we only know a few fragments of her life and poetry and none of the music, one of the great literary losses
shuffle yet
a total
waste of time , well not quite, it can build social skills but so much accumulated mental junk to be unlearnt
really when you look at it, its an exercise in brainwashing
searching for meaning
they baulk
when they come to the land of
where meaning lies
joshu asked nansen, “what is the spiritual path ?”
“that’s a load of rubbish” nansen replied
“that’s being honest” joshu replied
that’s the spiritual path replied nansen
a medieval chinese proverb followed by my comment
“ a wise host does not admit either the goddess of fortune or the girl of darkness ”
great wealth and great poverty
are both to be avoided
one seems obvious and one not
something to think about
poverty may not be what it seems
so neither is wealth
i don’t know who these people think they are fooling, but of course its themselves